a visitor

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Alchemist was sweeping the floor of the overly large kitchen, there hadn't been any guests lately, Alchemist had turned them all away. But could you blame her? She'd spend most of the week blocking the door into Vampire's room, this including a very risky trip in to block off the windows, or trying to figure out how to give him some sort of food or a drink without letting him out. That was the hard part, but Alchemist was smart, so it was doable.

However there was a harder part, that she wasn't prepared for.

The crying, the begging, the screaming to be let out. The crashes as he tried so desperately to get out. Every time he cried out, he sounded so genuine, so scared, so desperate. But Alchemist couldn't let him out.

That was how their time was spent, neither left the home, or spoke to anyone else but each other. And this would be how it would have to be, until Vampire was back to himself.

Or well, that's how it was supposed to be.

Alchemist had finished sweeping, and it was time to try and get Vampire to eat something.

"You've got to be kidding me.." she grumbled, there was basically nothing in, apart from an out of date loaf of bread, seemed she'd have to go out.

"Okay.. this can't go wrong, one quick trip. Into the... Kingdom." She sighed, there was a definite chance she'd end up bumping into someone and she did not want that today. Best be as quick as possible right?

After one last check to make sure Vampire couldn't get out, she left.

Vampire heard the door slam shut, and ran over to the window, pressing his face up to the barrier, in a desperate attempt to see where she was going. Was he alone now? Alone was good.

Alchemist strolled through the streets, making sure to take all the quieter routes, she couldn't risk leaving her brother alone for too long. Not with the state he was in. There Infront of her was a market, that'd do right?

Besides, she just needed a few things to last them a few more days.

So she walked through, checking each stall to see if it had what she needed. Eventually she'd gotten enough for the both of them, time to head home! Everything had been going smoothly, too smoothly. And as if she'd predicted it she was stopped.

"Alchemist! Alchemist!" A familiar voice, smooth and in the right ways yet friendly, a trustworthy voice.

"Oh for the love of-"

"Alchemist! It is you! Oh I'm so glad to see you!" To alchemist's despair, the voice belonged to one of Vampire's friends, Sparkling cookie. He seemed a little unsettled, great.

"I need to ask you- how's Vampire? How are you? No one's saw either of you for days- all of us are so worried-" sparkling began to ramble, yeah Alchemist didn't have the time for this, so she began walking back.

"We've been trying to visit but you never answered -"

"Oh I know. We aren't letting anyone in the house right now" she grumbled, it was true, sparkling and a few others had came to their door, but she'd ignored them. Now she wished she'd just answered, so she could escape this.
"But why? That's all we need to know-"

"Vampire's not feeling too well, so no visitors." She barked back at him, her frustration growing with every word he spoke. This stopped Sparkling for a moment, just a moment.

And the following began again. Alchemist didn't respond to him anymore, in a desperate attempt to ignore him.

"Look alchemist- atleast just let one of us see him - that'll stop us all I swear- we just want to make sure he's not- well. Dead-"

"Oh look I'm home now, you can leave" she finally interrupted, now at the bottom of the stairs up to her home's front door.

"Please- just let me talk to him- that'll do. I swear-"

"No, and that's my final answer, goodbye Sparkling." She turned away from him, and stormed up the stairs. Much to her dismay, Sparkling followed, begging her to let him see Vampire.

"Oh for god's sake- fine. You can talk to him, but that's it. No contact, just talk. Alright?" She hissed at him, angrily going to put the shopping down.
"Now just wait there so I can get h-"
Sparkling had already wandered off.

This'll go well won't it?

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