play nice

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Alchemist was on edge the entire time she had to wait, she'd never been afraid of her brother before, but she definitely was now.
".. are you sure your excuse will work? I mean.. there's only one injury -" she mumbled, not daring to make eye contact, yet still keeping an eye on how close he was.

"You have a good point. I can fix that, leave the room for a moment okay?" Every single word he said sounded like it came from someone else. And it horrified Alchemist. She didn't waste any time in leaving the room, yet she did hope that he wouldn't do anything too bad.. maybe she should have just kept her mouth shut. Stupid logical thoughts-

A sudden crack rang out from the other room.

Alchemist went pale, surely that wasn't what she thought it could be? She stayed still, something told her to just not move, so she did as it said.

"You can come back now." Vampire's voice broke her out of her shock. She didn't know what she'd go back to. However, she couldn't let Vampire be the one to let the others in when they got here. She had to do it, for all of their safety. As she walked in nothing seemed to have changed at first, but the sickly sweet smell of a cookies "blood" lingered in the air. Yet nothing looked too different.

So they sat in silence until their guests arrived.

"I hope we didn't take too long!" Herb hadn't even been in the house for more than a minute, yet he was already rambling on about how they could have been faster or stuff along those lines.
"You're alright- look- come on - he's just through here-" Alchemist reassured him, pointing to where Sparkling was placed. It didn't take very long at all for Herb to begin tending to his injuries. Vampire had done a remarkable job of making it look like he'd been attacked by an animal, if she didn't know what really happened, she would have believed it too. But she knew. Vampire watched her the entire time, she couldn't mess this up, not a tiny bit.

After a while Vampire had decided she wasn't going to slip up, so he headed outside, the sun had gone down, and there was a pleasant breeze, out here Vampire would find Herb's travelling buddy. So he sat beside him.

"Hey. Nice night isn't it?"

"S'pose you could say that."

"So.. what do you think was out there?" How innocent.

Vampire looked over at the blonde who was sat beside him, "probably just some form of feral cake hounds."

" don't sound too bothered." The blonde looked at him, suspicion in his words.
Vampire rolled his eyes.
"Look it's not my fault I'm not too pleased - it's night time, I'm not feeling to great anyways, and one of my closest friends nearly dies, I think I'm allowed to sound how i want to." He snapped, earning a concerned and slightly shocked look from the other.
"Sorry. That was rude." The blonde responded, it had taken Vampire a while to recognise this cookie, but he did know him from occasional interactions at the juice bar, but it was weird to see him without his usual coffee flavoured companion.
"No.. I shouldn't have snapped, Madeleine right?"

The blonde smiled. "Yeah! Say, it's getting a bit cold out here now. Wanna head in while they finish up?"


Alchemist watched Herb very carefully, desperate to tell him something, anything. It wasn't until Herb started talking that she saw her chance.
"So what's up with Vampire? He's not acting himself.."

"You can say that again." Alchemist fidgeted around, trying to figure out how to say this.

"I am worried about him, make sure he knows that right?" Herb finished up tending to sparkling as much as he could, stopping to get some energy back.
"Hey uh.. would you almost say he's acting like... Our mother?"

Herb glanced up at Her, and all at once it made sense, the near perfect injuries that looked a little too neat, the snappy attitude, those red, red eyes.

"Oh my god he is-"


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