afternoon snack

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After his little.. event, Vampire had returned to his room, and hadn't left since. He stayed in there for a few days, how long exactly he didn't know. Time passes weirdly when you don't do anything.

To his despair however, his hunger hadn't went down, maybe indulging set it off more? He didn't know.
There was a small pile of plates by the door. Alchemist had still been trying to give him some form of food.
He'd not eaten any of it. He couldn't. What if it made him worse?

His thoughts were interrupted rather quickly when there was a knock at the door. He didn't move, just spoke instead. "..what do you want?"

"I want you to come out here. Keeping yourself in there clearly isn't working!" The voice of his sister was filled with a different tone than he was used to.
"No." Vampire glanced down at his hands, something didn't look right, was it just his head? It wouldn't be the first time.

"Vampire, out now or I'll drag you out myself."

Vampire sighed, he knew she was genuine. So he stood up, and turned to face her.

"Why do you want me to leave my room so badly? I don't see it being better for me." He grumbled, adjusting his shirt.
Alchemist rolled her eyes and stood to the side, letting him pass through the door.

"If you're in there all by yourself, I'll never know if you get better or if you've just died instead." How charming.

Vampire just looked down, he hadn't looked at her face yet, he just.. didn't want to. He stopped not to far from the door, waiting for her next command.

"Downstairs, you're eating something now. And I mean now." She spoke, closing his bedroom door. He nodded, in reality he was figuring out how to avoid this. It almost felt like a punishment. He didn't understand, he was keeping her safe by being alone, why was he being punished for that?
As the pair headed down the stairs, an uncomfortable silence filled the already tense air.

Until Vampire could hear the faint sound of voices, voices he knew, but not well enough to recognise yet.

".. I want to go back to my room." He said, still refusing to look at her face.

"Not until you eat. Now come on. Don't mind them downstairs, I needed some company." Alchemist sighed,

"..who is it?"

"Just some friends, you probably don't know them. Now hurry up going down these stairs!" She snapped, pausing briefly. "..sorry. I'm feeling a little off today."

"You're not the only one." Vampire chuckled, finally looking at her face, when he did, he noticed how tired she looked. Since when did she get so tired? Was that his fault too? Was everything his fault?

Alchemist gave him a firm pat on the back, breaking his train of thought as they reached the bottom of the stairs. And eventually she led him through to the house's kitchen. "sit. I'll make you something really quickly."

Vampire didn't hesitate, and hoisted himself up onto one of the counters.

"Hey alchemist? What does it mean when things start looking.. weird. Like, almost fuzzy?" Vampire spoke, kicking his legs as he waited.

"Why? Is that happening to you?" She put down the food she was sorting out and glanced at him, he did look a bit..  woozy, we'll say.
"Maybe." He looked up at the ceiling tiles. "I'm cold."

"Well we'll get some food in you and then you can warm yourself up after. Okay?" She turned her attention back to the small meal.

"Mkay." This felt wrong. He felt like he was being treated like a child, or well what he thinks it would be like.

"Hey Alchemist? I think one of your friends hurt themselves"


"I can smell it." He kept his attention on the swinging motions of his legs, hoping by distracting himself he could fight that urge to act.

".. I'll deal with that in a second, now. Eat." She said, sliding the small meal over to his side. It wasn't too much, but it was something.

"Do you have to stare?" He mumbled, picking up a small meat jelly from the plate.
"When you eat something I'll go."

"Fine" he fidgeted with the little morsel for a few seconds, before popping it in his mouth. "Happy?"

"... Not entirely, but enough for now. I expect that it will all be eaten by the time I get back." She sighed, turning her attention to the 'injury' he'd reported to her.

Finally he was alone.

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