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Alchemist stood before the door, she wished that Sparkling had gotten out. Yet she still had to check.
She reached out towards the handle, and paused. It was quiet.

And if she tried hard enough she could hear quiet yet panicked breathing, and suddenly a thud, if this wasn't such a unique occasion, she'd believe it was just Vampire being antsy, but she couldn't trust that, so she slammed open the door, letting all the light pierce the darkness in one swift movement.
Vampire let out almost a hiss, he'd been in the dark for a while, so he was not adjusted whatsoever.
Sparkling let out a little noise in relief to see alchemist.

Let's just say they were in a rather compromising position.

Sparkling was pushed up against the wall, with one of Vampire's legs between his own, his arms were pressed by his side, held down by Vampire's rather intense grip, and most importantly, Vampire's head was by his throat. If this wasn't such a dangerous situation, the average person would think they had something else going on between them.
Alchemist had to take a double take, but she knew better. "Vampire- Cmon let him go- he's your friend." She spoke softly, yet with an authority anyone in their right mind would listen to.

However Vampire was not in the right state of mind.

Sparkling attempted to shuffle, big mistake. Vampire's grip only tightened and a faint sweet smell started to fill the air. This set Alchemist into a panic.

"Vampire resist it- Cmon- you can let him go-"

Vampire let out a very quiet apology, and without hesitation, sank his fangs into Sparkling cookies throat, earning a sharp gasp of pain from his victim.

Alchemist had dashed into the room by this point, and was trying to pry Vampire off of Sparkling, but every time she pulled, the latters flesh would tear more and more. Until eventually Sparkling himself begged her to stop.

Alchemist stepped back in disbelief, as Sparkling seemed to accept what was happening.

"But- I can still free you-" she tried to explain, but she was silenced rather quickly.

"Nah.. even if he's not himself, I still trust him. Besides.. I'm already kinda bleeding everywhere... Might as well save you the mess huh?" He let out a weak laugh, as Vampires grip seemed to loosen, it would seem Sparkling was right, Vampire could still stop. Or he was just not needed to use as much force anymore. And eventually he let go, Sparkling had passed out from the pain, and a little from blood loss, but he was breathing, and most importantly, alive.

Alchemist stood there, she didn't know what to do. What could she do? She'd just witnessed her brother nearly kill his own friend. She stayed in this state until Vampire himself snapped her out of it.

"If you still want to help, then call for Herb..... Tell him to bring someone too." He spoke, adding the last bit after a rather concerning pause.

".... What will I tell him?" She was still, but could you really blame her?

"Tell him on his way over he was attacked by something or whatever. I'll bring him downstairs. Just go already." Vampire's voice was oddly stoic, it was unnerving to say the least. The thing that bothered Alchemist so much was how he sounded almost exactly the same as his mother, their mother. Oh she truly hoped this would be over soon.

So she did what he said, and so did he.
Now all they had to do was wait. Together. In the same room.

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