memories (3)

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Vampire lives a life without many regrets, but one of his regrets will stay with him to the grave. The one thing he wishes he did differently was stand up for himself that little bit more, when it wasn't only him who needed it.


It was a late summer evening, there had been a large celebration, something about a deal or whatever, Vampire didn't know, and frankly didn't care, he was too busy sat there messing around with whatever he could find, at one point he'd made a den out of plants, at another he'd created some extravagant performance for himself. Truly he was left to his own devices, and he didn't mind for once. This was nice alone time, his own choice of alone time. Besides, that party was too loud for him anyways.

It would seem he wasn't the only one who stayed out of the spotlight that day. For the sound of bickering caught his attention.

Curiosity definitely got the better of him, he crept along the walls of the building, keeping out of sight, didn't want to get involved in the actual fight yknow? Always a clever move.
Once he was closer he recognised the voices, and thought that maybe it was not so good of an idea to snoop. It was his parents. His mother was rather riled up, to no one's surprise, but it was the disgusted look on his father's face that surprised him.

"Red wine I cannot go on like this! I refuse to!" His father had always had a soft voice, this side of him was not his father. No way. What hadn't occurred to him was that maybe he was just soft towards him, and not others. "You're an awful partner, and god knows how bad of a parent you are-"

"You take that back right now- I am not a bad parent!" His mother hissed at him, earning a rather unimpressed laugh.

"Maybe to your daughter. But you have a son who definitely needs you. He needs you. Because, surprise surprise! It was you who made him have to go through what he is!" His ranting was rather heated, his voice getting louder and louder.

"Don't think you're so good yourself!" She barked in response. "You keep on leaving us! Do you know how hard it is to raise that boy?! On my own?! You'd think you'd feel the slightest bit of sympathy but no! You're a selfish piece of-"

"You can stop there. you've said enough." There was a dullness to his father's eyes he'd not seen before. It was frightening. Vampire had to stop himself from running away from the scene, this was scary. "I'm leaving in the morning. I'll take my son with me, since you won't even try with him."

Vampire froze. Take him away? What about his sister- where would they go? Would he take his stuff with him? Would he leave it all here?

"You can't leave. I won't be able to support your daughter on my own."

"Oh that's a load of rubbish isn't it? You've not struggled yet. If you stopped spending so much on yourself you'd find you're pretty well off on your own." He turned away, "now if you'll excuse me, I have some things to do."

Vampire stood completely frozen against the wall, he wasn't supposed to hear any of that. Yet he'd heard it all.
Ok, so plan! Pretend you didn't hear anything! That's what he'd do. And it worked.

That evening, little to his surprise, his father had asked him to pack up his things, so it wasn't just a fight. He really was getting out of here.

But what about his sister?

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