Chapter Four

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(Ben POV)

The signing had now finished, I stood up, standing next to the girl who'd been sitting on my lap for the last hour. 

"So.." I began.

She just turned and blushed. "Hi." 

I smiled at her, then looked at her arms. 

"Why do you do that to yourself?" I asked her. 

She just went quiet and shrugged her shoulders, I saw that she was about to cry, so I just pulled her into a hug. 

Over her shoulder I could see the lads getting set up to go back to the venue, as the gig started in an hour. 

I pulled back from the hug.

"Please don't harm yourself again, you're such a beautiful girl, beautiful things shouldn't be harmed at all." I smiled.

She blushed and nodded. 

"Are you going to the gig?" I asked her.

"I was meant to be, but my friend stormed off and left me, so I guess I'm not going now. I'm really bummed about that." She said.

Her voice was pretty too. 

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Lucy." She smiled.

"Well Lucy. Go the fuck to the gig, and have a great fucking time. Ignore the fact you're on your own, I'm sure people will speak to you in the line." I said.

She nodded and laughed. "I don't know how I'm even going to get to the gig." 

"Walk. It's only down the road." I suggested.

She smiled and nodded. "I thought it was a while away actually." 

"Well, no. If you go down the road, turn on the first street you get to and then keep walking straight ahead, you'll end up going down a slight hill, you'll see the tour bus, keep walking, then turn the corner and join the line." I said.

She nodded. "Fine, I'll do that. Thanks for talking to me Ben."

I winked and smiled at her. "It's fine beautiful." 

She grinned. 

"Okay love, you need to leave the shop now because the front needs to be locked so we can get these guys out." A shop worker said to her.

"No. Leave her, she needs to come out of the back to go to the venue." I said.

She stopped, looking kind of shocked at me.

The worker nodded and walked away.

"Thank-you." She mouthed to me.

I winked.

She headed out of the back door and down the steps, to go in the direction which I had told her to go in.


(Lucy POV)

I was now shaking, I couldn't believe that I had just got to speak to Ben Bruce and sit on his lap. I should've done more. I'm such an idiot.

I was now standing outside of the venue, feeling like a loner. People were in groups of friends, sitting and talking. The doors were about to open, so I got out my ticket and just stood there quietly.

I was shocked when I saw Kayla's boyfriend walk up to her, they looked like they were arguing a little, then he tossed her off and walked right over to me.

"Hey. I heard about what happened earlier with you and Kayla, she's being a whore to me also. Do you mind if I hang in the gig with you?" He asked me.

I just nodded. "Sure." 


I was now standing alone again, dancing to Betraying the martyrs. I had a pretty good view considering I was one of the last people to arrive.

Kayla's boyfriend had met up with some other friend and they wandered off into the pits. 

I just stood there, bobbing my head to the music. Normally, I'd be going crazy at a gig. But right now I felt like a total loner and idiot. Like everyone was looking at me, thinking I was a weirdo.

2 Bands later...

The lights dimmed and music began.

I was now closer to the front, as people had left after Motionless In White and While She Sleeps.

Asking Alexandria were just about to come out, I was so pumped.

James ran onto the stage and held his sticks in the air, the crowd errupted into screams.

I heard Kayla from the front, screaming so much.

Then everyone else ran on, Cameron, Sam, Ben and Danny.

The music began and the crowd went crazy... 

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