Chapter Nineteen

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A few days later... 

California, USA.

(Ben POV)


"Morning guys!" I called as I arrived at the bus.

Everyone was just heading onto it as tour began tomorrow and we started travelling tonight.

"Hey." Danny said, approaching me. "How did everything go with Lucy then?" 

I smiled. "Good, I started dating her, and yeah. We've grown very close." 

I felt so sad though, I really did miss her, I had only managed to speak to her once, and that was two days ago. I was so tired that I had been asleep whenever she'd called me, or she was in bed when I texted her. 

She seemed pretty good though when I managed to speak to her, she seemed peaceful and not so sad. 

She told me that she'd been awarded something for her photography project at college and that everyone was asking her if they could chill with me and her when I next went back to England. 

"Oh, that's good. I'm glad you got to go back and see her again, you really were down when we last saw you." Danny said.

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I guess it was because I wanted a lot more time to be with her, get to know her more and stuff." 

"So, did you two manage to have sex or anything?" Danny then asked.

I frowned. "Now why would you want to know that? Are you jealous?" I joked.

Danny laughed as we both headed onto the bus. "Clearly not. I just wanted to know. Lad talk." 

I chuckled and sat down on the sofa. "No, we never had sex. We aren't ready for that yet." I answered.

"Ah, good boy Ben. Managing to keep a lovely young lady. Now let's hope tour doesn't fuck it all up for you." Danny patted my leg, sitting next to me. 

I smirked.

But inside I was going crazy, I hadn't thought about that really. I hadn't been getting pissed with Lucy, we'd had a few drinks, but that's it, nothing wild. This tour was going to kill me, and probably my relationship if my dick does the thinking. Normally when I'm drunk and there's a girl after me, get the point.

I leant back and closed my eyes for a little while. Wondering what Lucy was probably up to right now...

London, UK.


(Lucy POV)

"See you tomorrow guys!" I called to a bunch of new friends that I had made in college. Since the trip to Liverpool, I've got to know a lot more people with the same interests, which is good really.

I walked out of the main college doors, into the cold, dark weather. It always rained here in England now. Ben was in the sun, the luxury in America. I wished I was with him too.

I sighed, pulling my Ipod out of my bag and plugging my earphones in, walking home sweet home.

"The Irony Of Your Perfection." - An old End of reason, AKA Asking Alexandria song, started playing.

I walked around the corner and down a quieter road, when I got towards the end of the road, I noticed a group of people. Someone with pink hair, and other girls with dark hair. 

I walked closer, not looking, I just wanted to keep myself to myself. But I heard my name being called, so I stopped, paused the song and looked.

It was Kayla and some girls that she had left with at the signing and gig. 

"Yeah?" I asked. Not really wanting to start a conversation with her. 

"You're only using Ben because he's in a band. I'll tweet something horrible about Danny on your Twitter account if you don't hook me up with James." Kayla sniggered.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I'm not using Ben, I love him. And no, I can't hook you up with James anyway. I don't speak to him, I only speak to Ben. Plus, you don't even know my Twitter password." I said.

She laughed, and so did the girls around her. "I hacked into your Twitter account my love. And of course you talk to James, he's in your boyfriends band." 

I felt sick, she had hacked into my account?! What the fuck?

"You better leave me alone Kayla. I don't want trouble..." I began.

"Then give me James' mobile number, mention me or something, make him love me." Kayla interrupted.

I laughed. "I can't make someone love you Kayla, James has a girlfriend anyway, I would probably mention you, but I can't. Because they're in America right now and I've not spoken to James since the signing." 

Kayla frowned, then smirked. "Then I guess I'll be tweeting about Mr Worsnop later then." She said.

I sighed. "Kayla, don't." I said.

"Fuck off Lucy. You can't keep them all to yourself." Kayla spat, then she walked off with the other girls.

I felt my world crumble.

(Ben POV)

An hour later...


"I'm on my wayayay, I'm on my wayayay, home sweet home!" Danny sang.

He loved singing along to Mötley Crüe all the time. I laughed and sang along also.

When my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I asked as I picked it up.

"Ben, I need you to listen to me. Sorry if I've woken you up." Lucy rushed her words.

I sat up with attention a little more. "Woah, why? What's going on? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, well. Kind of. I've got a problem with Kayla, the girl who ditched me at the signing." She said.

I sighed with relief. "Oh, okay. What's up?" 

"Well, she's a huge James fan. And somehow, she's managed to hack my Twitter account and I can't get back into it, I've tried to log in, but the password and E-mail have been changed. She's threatened to start tweeting horrible things about Danny on my Twitter if I didn't get James to go on a date with her." Lucy said.

I raised my eyebrows. "But James has a girlfriend..." 

James looked over to me, along with everyone else, looking confused.

"I know! I told her that, so she's now tweeting. I can't do anything about it. Just make sure all of you tweet, saying it isn't me at all. It's her, I promise." Lucy spoke.

"Oh don't worry, I will do. And I'll be personally getting James to tweet her, calling her a fucking weirdo." I said.

I heard her laugh. I smiled. "I love you." I said.

"I love you too Ben, thank-you." She said.

Then we hung up, I turned to everyone and started to explain everything, they all looked shocked.

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