Chapter Twenty

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A day later

(Ben POV)


We were all sitting on the tour bus, we'd just ate lunch and we were going to arrive at our first venue in about an hour.

We were sitting at the table, looking at Danny's laptop screen, he was scrolling though all of 'Lucy's' tweets. 

We were all shocked, that Kayla girl had actually hacked her. She was saying some pathetic shit, like.

"Haha. My mum and dad are dead." "Danny Worsnop is just a cunt yeh. I don't like Ben either i just love myself." 

I rolled my eyes. 

"You know. If you were going to hack someone that you actually used to know. You'd get the facts correct before wouldn't you? Everyone that really knows Lucy. Will sadly know that she doesn't love herself at all, she hates her existence." I said.

Everyone nodded.

"So she's doing all of this to try and get me?" James asked.

I nodded. "It seems so."

"Fucking hell. This kind of bullshit wouldn't get you anyone." James said.

I chuckled. "Exactly."

I felt terrible for Lucy though. Fans had been insulting her all night, saying she was a bitch and user. My interactions were full of shit about Lucy. I hate it. People pay NO attention at all sometimes. 

The whole band had tweeted about the situation. But no, people still blame my girlfriend.

(Lucy POV)


I woke up, I had a day off college today which was good, I enjoyed lying in bed.

I got out of bed and logged onto my laptop. 

I looked at all the boys Twitter accounts, they had tweeted that my account had been hacked and it wasn't be posting the tweets. But then I looked at some of the mentions of my Twitter name. Horrible things being said about me, before AND after the boys tweeted about it.

I sighed. I hated myself enough, I didn't need a bunch of twats calling me horrible things when they don't even know me.

I clicked onto my Twitter account, looking at all of the tweets Kayla had been sending to some of Ben's fans. To fans of Asking Alexandria, and just general bullshit. 

I felt sick, like she really wasn't going to stop this until I forced James to look at her in a loving way. It would never work though, James was happy with his girlfriend, and he couldn't give two shits about some mental stalker fan.

I got to the point where I couldn't take it. I wrote down my Twitter name, I jumped into the shower and started to get ready to make a video.

(Ben POV)


"Ben! Look!" Danny called as he walked into the dressing room, still carrying his laptop.

I looked at the screen, it was blank, but the title was 'My Twitter account." 

I clicked the video, and my beautiful girlfriend's face appeared on the screen, she looked pissed off, sad. Like the world was falling at her feet.

"Hello everyone. Mainly fans of Asking Alexandria and haters of me. I'm Lucy, Ben Bruce's girlfriend. Here's my Twitter account name, as proof." She said, then she held up a sign with her Twitter name on.

She sighed and dropped it onto the floor. "Well, it was my account, until the other night when some mental girl hacked into my account to threaten me. She approached me outside of my college yesterday and said that bascially, she'd hacked into my Twitter account and she wanted me to get James Cassells to go on a date with her, or she'd start posting things about Danny Worsnop on my account." 

I sighed. "I feel so sorry for her." I said.

"Obviously James has a girlfriend and I can't conrtol what someone wants to do with their life. So I told her no, and not to Tweet. But as you can tell, she's been tweeting some rather insulting things over night. About myself and other people." She scatched her head. "Look. I don't give a SHIT what people think about my relationship, if someone wants to be pathetic and hack into my Twitter account and shit. But do NOT insult me. I already get enough insults. It goes for Kayla, the girl who's hacked my account and it goes for the handful of mean Asking Alexandria fans, that can't face the fact members have lifes too." 

I sat up a little more with attention and raised my eyebrows. 

"I'm a huge Asking Alexandria fan. I always have been and I always will be, I'm lucky as fuck, I know. I'm lucky that I met my hero and I'm now dating him, it's annoying that I'm dating him because you like him. But leave me alone. I haven't done anything to you lot at all. Stop being so blind to it all!" Lucy shouted.

She sighed. "I'm going to end this video now, and I do hope this has gave a clear message to people. It's not ME that's tweeting, it's someone else." 

Then she turned the camera off.

The video had so many dislikes, so many hateful comments, I had to get something out there, and fast, starting with tonight's show...

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