Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next morning 


(Lucy POV)

I shot up from a dream, but it wasn't like a dream, it was more like a flashback of everything.

I quickly stood up and looked at my reflection, tears pouring down my face again straight away, I pulled my hair and lay back down on my bed, crying into the duvet, I hated reliving the past, this flashback would always come back, at least once a year. It killed me inside.

I gulped remembering to the dream I just had.

FLASH BACK - 11 years ago.

"Harry! Lucy! Me and your mother are just going out for something, we shouldn't be too long. Love you both, don't answer the door to strangers unless it's important." My father said to me and Harry. 

He kissed my head and stroked my hair, my mum walked down the stairs and smiled, they were both dressed up to go somewhere, I thought my mum looked pretty.

"Now, I want you to put your sister to bed in about half an hour please Harry, then you need to get to bed at about 10PM." My mum said to Harry.

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. Where are you going?" He asked.

"We're going to do something important for a while, we'll see you both in the morning, okay? Please don't touch anything in the kitchen and get hurt." My mum said.

My dad smiled and placed his hand on my mum's back, he shook his head. "Now, now my love. We need to get going, don't start worrying I'm sure they'll be okay." 

My mum smiled and nodded. "I understand, but a mother worrys sometimes you know." She laughed.

We all smiled. Then my mum and dad headed out of the door, closing it behind them. 

I ran into the living room and peaked though the gap in the curtain, watching them reverse off the driveway, then head into the night.

I turned and sat down, facing the television. Feeling sad, I hated it when my parents would go out and leave me and Harry alone. I loved Harry, but I felt sad, like mum and dad wouldn't come back at all.

"Come on then Lucy, it's time for bed." Harry spoke by the door way, I looked at him and shook my head.

"No, mummy said not for half an hour." I said.

Harry sighed. "Well, I said it's time for bed now, you might get into trouble if mum and dad come home early." 

I quickly started walking up to bed. I got into bed and Harry came over, tucking me into bed more. 

"Night." He said, he turned and walked out of the room, I'd forgot to tell him I was scared of the dark, but he just closed the door. 

"Night night." I quietly said, biting my fingers incase the monsters got me. 

I hid under the bed covers and fell asleep...

Sometime later...

"Lucy! Lucy! Wake up, the police are here to take us with them, something has happened to mummy and daddy." Harry rushed, shaking me.

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