Chapter 34

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Once they arrived at the gated community where Tristan's mother lived, Tristan and Serenity had to wait in the limo while security swept the entire area to make sure there weren't any onlookers, paparazzi, fans, spies or anyone else who could threaten their visit or relationship. Tristan spent the entire time trying to calm Serenity down and ensure her his mother would love her and they would have a successful visit.

Serenity's heart was working overtime. This was her first experience meeting the parent of someone she really cared about. Loved. She had never met Caleb's parents because he didn't have a relationship with them. She was afraid to be too nice, for fear she would look insincere and like she was trying too hard. But she was also afraid of looking too standoffish for fear of looking like she was a gold-digger or had an ulterior motive for being with Tristan. She was almost in panic attack mode, but Tristan did a good job of helping her breathe and remain as calm as possible.

By the time they'd gotten the clear to proceed with the visit, she had calmed down some, but while they were climbing the stairs to Tristan's mother Katherine's tri-level opulent brick house, her legs almost gave way.

"Serenity," Tristan quietly scolded, holding her up around her waist. "Relax babe. Everything will be fine."

"I-I know," she unconvincingly said, smiling nervously at him. "I'm good."

"Then why are you shaking babe?"

"I'm good Tristan."

Before Tristan could say anything else, the door swung open and Katherine was standing there with a huge grin on her face, her arms wide open to her son. "Baby boy!" she screamed.

"Mom!" Tristan exclaimed, immediately forgetting about Serenity and rushing to his mom, throwing his arms around her and hoisting her up in the air. Laughter and incoherent conversation followed. Serenity nervously stood there, holding tightly the present she'd bought his mom. She'd be damned if she dropped it in her manic state and broke it.

She glanced over at Brad for assistance, but he just smirked at her and walked back to the limo, stationing himself inside on guard. Serenity rolled her eyes skyward at his dismissiveness of her and turned back in time to see Tristan and his mom going inside her house, still talking animatedly.

Serenity willed herself to move and followed behind them. She closed the door behind her and stood there listening to Tristan and his mom fawning all over one another. His mom asked one question after another, barely giving him a chance to answer.

"Tristan, you've lost so much weight. Have you been eating?"

"I should spank you for taking so long to come back and see me. It's been almost six months."

"I wish you would call more often."

"Where's Nyle?"

"How long are you staying?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Are you sure Brad is okay outside?"

"I hope you've been taking care of yourself out on the road. You look too thin."

"What you need is a nice, home-cooked meal. That'll fatten you right up."

Laughing at his mom's overzealousness, Tristan was finally able to get a word in edgewise after about thirty questions. He put his hands up to his mom's lips.

"Mom," he interjected, laughing. "Mom."

His mother frowned and moved his hands off her lips. "What?"

"This is Serenity."

Tristan: Mine, all Mine Book 2(Mature 18+)Where stories live. Discover now