Chapter 24

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Serenity didn't realize how much she missed Kara until she saw her standing on her porch. When she first opened the door, she couldn't help but tear up at the sight of her. It was like seeing sunshine after a week of torrential rain. Kara held a small potted plant in her hand, which Serenity assumed was a peace offering. Kara knew she hated plants, so the irony of the gift was not lost on Serenity. She couldn't help but laugh at her friend's feeble attempt at breaking the ice. She laughed and that was all the ammunition Kara needed to pull her best friend in her arms for a long, emotional hug.

They held each-other and cried for minutes with Kara offering words of apologies and Serenity whispering words of forgiveness. Not wanting to waste more time, Serenity locked up her house and the two of them walked to Kara's car, chatting away and holding hands. The couldn't stop giggling and laughing and talking about how much they'd missed each-other. Kara couldn't stop apologizing for how she'd hurt her. Once Serenity accepted her apology for what seemed like the thousandth time, Kara shifted back to her regular, talkative, gossiping self. She couldn't wait to fill Serenity in on all she'd been doing since their friendship hiatus.

When they got to the restaurant they were promptly seated. They ordered their drinks and appetizer; then settled against the comfy booth cushions. Kara immediately resumed started talking and didn't stop. Soon, their appetizers were gone, and they'd moved on to their main course.  Thirty minutes into the meal, Kara was still talking.

Serenity soberly realized not much had changed in Kara's world. She still had a childlike desire to be the center of attention and she was still fucking random guys left and right.

Serenity was happy to be back in the company of her childhood best friend, but she soon grew bored with Kara's endless rants about how hard it was to find a good guy. Before, she had patiently played the role of the tireless best friend; now that things had changed on her end and Tristan was in her life, it was more apparent to her just how empty Kara's life was. But she said nothing. She just listened.

She wanted so much to tell Kara everything that had gone on with Tristan over the last few weeks. She yearned to talk about what she hoped was a developing relationship between them, but she didn't want a repeat performance of what had happened the day after she'd lost her virginity. It made her feel so sad. Damn. She couldn't talk to her mother. She couldn't talk to her best friend. How tragic was that?

Once the meal was gone and they had settled into a shared dessert of ice-cream and pie, Kara finally shut up and asked how things were going with Serenity. Almost two hours had past. Two hours and now she wanted to know.

Serenity chuckled at the irony of it all and shook her head. She glanced down at her watch and quietly winced. It had been almost four hours since she'd heard from Tristan and she wanted so desperately to correspond with him or at least hear his voice. But she knew he was busy. She still felt conflicted about the risk she was taking being with someone like him. But damn he made her feel so beautiful. He made her so happy.

"Ren... Ren!"

Kara tapped her on the hand with her drink straw and Serenity startled. "I'm sorry. What?"

"I asked how you've been doing? What's new with you?" Kara replaced her straw in her glass and sipped loudly.

After almost two hours you're asking me how I'm doing now?

"Oh, nothing much," Serenity dismissively replied. "Same old, same old."

Kara warily eyed her. "How's your Mom?"

Serenity irritably shrugged and shook her head. She took a hearty bite of pie and spoke as she chewed. "You already know K."

"I'm sorry."

Tristan: Mine, all Mine Book 2(Mature 18+)Where stories live. Discover now