Chapter 2

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"I don't think this is a good idea Serenity," Kara said, breaking her thoughts. "You know how naïve you are when it comes to men. Remember Caleb?"

Serenity blanched as she thought about her cheating ex. That was a sore spot with her and Kara knew it. It was a cheap shot.

"I'm not leaving Kara."

Kara blew through her lips and scratched her head. "Fine. Talk to him for a few minutes. You have forty-five minutes to be exact. After that, we're leaving. I don't care if his hands are midway down your panties, we're going. Forty-five minutes. That's it. Got it?"

Serenity frowned at Kara's tacky choice of words and rolled her eyes. "Got it."

"I'll be back in forty-five minutes," Kara repeated in a no-nonsense tone. "Let me go and see if that sexy Papi is still around here."

Serenity frowned after her as she sauntered off. Kara always loved telling her what to do. She was so damn bossy it got on her nerves. In a weird way, she also appreciated it. Kara was always looking out for her and it made her feel safe and protected, especially since her own mother was so bad at it. She hadn't seen her mother in two days now. Years ago, her nerves would've been shot thinking about all the terrible, gruesome things that could've happened to her but she was used to it now. She would turn up sooner or later, as she always did. Last time she saw her mother she reminded her she was going to the concert and would need extra money for food and souvenirs. She didn't know why she asked her. Her mother never had any money. She always spent it on her habit. Whenever Serenity was really desperate for cash she either borrowed it from Kara or scrapped up pennies from the secret stash she had in her room. She worked at a temp agency from time to time but not often enough to make any real money.

Her mother got government aid now and again but she'd already gone through it for the month. To supplement the income she carelessly spent, her mother had a part-time job waiting tables at a diner up the street from their house. The owner of the diner took pity on her and had a crush on her so he was always letting her come back, even when she skipped work or didn't show up. This wasn't the longest she'd been gone. Last month she'd been gone two straight weeks. Even then Serenity hadn't worried. She'd spent most of that time hanging out with Kara at her house. Kara's mother Brooke knew what was going on with Serenity's mother and always let her know whenever she was ready she could come and live with her and Kara if she wanted to. Although Kara and Serenity were out of high school, Kara still stayed with her mother and had a full-time job to help out with the bills. Serenity knew they wouldn't mind her staying with them, but she wasn't too keen on the idea. Her mother was barely around but she still didn't want to leave her. Her mother had no one else. She was always afraid if she left her mother would die in the streets.

Serenity glanced up to see Tristan talking to the bodyguard who had accosted her earlier. He nodded in her direction and winked. Serenity bashfully looked away then looked back as the guard walked up to her. He was so big the floor seemed to vibrate with each step he took.

Tristan: Mine, all Mine Book 2(Mature 18+)Where stories live. Discover now