Chapter 29

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A half hour. Serenity was sure it had been at least that. Tristan had long ago woken up. Had kissed her, gone to the bathroom, come back. But no words were spoken. They hadn't said one word since then.

She was still worried about what she didn't know. She was lying on her side, away from him. He was lying beside her, one arm behind his head, the other against her back, while his hand intimately stroked her round ass.

The words were stuck in her throat. She was afraid to verbalize what she feared inside. She didn't want to sound stupid. Insecure. Unsure. They'd just had the best sex ever and she was dying to feel him inside of her again, but... Those nagging thoughts. Those annoying nagging doubts. Fuck.

"You alright baby?" he finally asked, breaking the silence.

She was relieved he spoke first. 

How should she broach the subject? She hesitated, biting her lip. How could she voice her concerns without coming off as one of "those women?" She hating insecurity in females and from what Kara told her, men hated that quality in women as well.

But she also felt safe with Tristan. She could literally talk to him about anything. This shouldn't be any different.

She felt him rise up to look at her. "Serenity."

She closed her eyes. "I'm okay," she lied. "But..."

He put a warm hand to her shoulder and softly stroked. It was more than distracting.

"What is it?" he asked her.

She heavily sighed, struggling. "That was different."

"What was different?"

"Us. Earlier. The sex."

He frowned, turning her completely to him. "What do you mean?"

Serenity worriedly looked at him. "You. You were different. The sex was..."

His frown deepened. "You didn't like it? I couldn't tell."

"No. That's not what I mean."

"Well, what is it?"

"You." She weakly sat up and pushed her hair off her forehead.

He sat up and directly turned towards her. "What about me?"

The words were stuck in her throat. She couldn't stop staring at him. He was so handsome and perfect. She was so in love with him she couldn't think straight.

Lost in his eyes, her fingers began quivering and Tristan noticed and gently grabbed them.

"Babe, you know you can talk to me about anything right?" he insisted. "Just be honest. If you didn't like it, tell me. I'll take it easy on you." He crookedly smiled at her, rubbing her arm. "I know you're still kinda new at this."

She unflinchingly looked at him. She eased her hands out of his and sat up straighter, determined to get it out. "It's not the sex Tristan."

He helplessly shrugged. "Okay then-"

"Were you thinking about someone else?"

He blinked, taken aback. "What?"

The words rushed out before she could stop them. "When I say different, I mean the sex. Your energy was, different. With me. You've never been like that before. That... intense. Rambunctious. Was someone else on your mind?"

He just looked at her, his expression vacant.

Serenity nervously wet her lips. It was too late to turn back now. "Kara says she went through... I mean with an ex of hers, the sex became different and that's how she knew that he wanted someone else. That he was bored. Cheating. He wanted to try new things, and he was rougher with her than he'd been before."

Tristan: Mine, all Mine Book 2(Mature 18+)Where stories live. Discover now