Author's Note

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Just want to take a second to thank everyone for continuing to read Tristan and for having the patience and dedication to stick with it. My schedule has been on overload lately and sometimes it's hard to find the time to write. When I do, sometimes the words don't come to me the way I want them to. I am a perfectionist and I don't like to throw just anything together. So unless it's close to perfect for me I won't publish it. I'm also a thespian so I'm back and forth with different theater projects that require me to write, direct, and sometimes act. So there's a lot going on with me, on top of being a stay at home Mom. 

I do want to let you know I'll be updating Tristan this week. Updates might come once a week or every two weeks if I'm lucky but I just want to let you all know I'm dedicated and committed to finishing this story and I'll stick with it as long as you are there to read. Thank again for reading.

Oh and P.S., if you read Eternal Flame and see something similar to this in the Author's Note, know that it's not because I'm lazy. My brain is tired! And anyway, the same as I wrote here, applies to that story as well. Until then... 

Tristan: Mine, all Mine Book 2(Mature 18+)Where stories live. Discover now