Chapter 18

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My heart has never felt so full

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My heart has never felt so full. I am so in love with this man. I can't believe how happy I am.

Minutes later, Serenity was ensconced with Tristan, leaned up against him in the massive jet tub, luxuriating in the warm water, pink and red rose petals, and scented bubbles that surrounded them. Candlelight filled the large room, while eighties R&B love songs played on a compilation CD Tristan had brought along.

Serenity's eyes drifted to the back of her head and closed. This... was nirvana. It was as close to heaven as she could get while still being alive. With his strong arms wrapped around her, his large body cushioning her small one, his long legs tangled with hers, his warm breath against her ear as his face lay against hers... The aroma of the candles, the petals, the oils in the tub mingling with their heartbeats, their breath and the music... It was the perfect love song. Everything was just perfect. Too perfect. But it didn't make her nervous anymore. This was real. This was everything.

"Tristan," she softly said.

He leisurely rubbed his face against hers and pleasantly sighed. "Hmmm?"

"When are you going to introduce me to the guys? Your family?"

She felt him stiffen against her and it made her open her eyes. She slightly turned her head to look at him out the corner of her eye. She couldn't read the expression on his face and it made her nervous.

Tristan stared ahead at the bathroom door and chewed his lip. "I hadn't really thought about it."

Serenity nervously squirmed in his arms and situated herself back against his chest. "I don't have to if you don't want me to."

"Well, we haven't really talked about how far we're going with this yet, so..."

Serenity quietly looked down at their joined legs, pensive.

"Is it important to you to meet them?"

"Well... I... I just thought you'd want to introduce me to them, that's all. Since, we... Well, I don't know. Whatever."

"What if I don't want you to meet them?" he said with humor in his voice.

"Are you ashamed of me?"

Seeing he had hurt her feelings, Tristan righted his tone. "Of course I'm not ashamed of you."

"Then what is it?"

Tristan struggled to get his words out. "The band is just a little... unconventional, that's all. They're wild. Unhinged. Untamed."

She chuckled wryly. "Kind of like you?"

He smirked. "Yeah. Probably worse."

"If I can handle you I can handle them."

"Maybe I don't want you handling them," he said with a jealous edge.

Tristan: Mine, all Mine Book 2(Mature 18+)Where stories live. Discover now