@actuallyyangjungwon: Scared

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"I'm not trying to make you come home," Sunoo said, squeezing past me to get into the room where he threw a bag on my bed, "I came to stay with you for the weekend"

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"I'm not trying to make you come home," Sunoo said, squeezing past me to get into the room where he threw a bag on my bed, "I came to stay with you for the weekend".

"A whole weekend?" I asked, then added sarcastically, "Sunghoon gave permission for that?"

Sunoo threw a pillow at me, "Ugh, Wonnie. Hush."

Sunoo let out a deep sigh and walked over to the very large and very comfortable bed, laying down and sinking into the pile of pillows before telling me, "Heeseung and Jake are gone."

My neck shot around to face Sunoo, eyes wide. I know what I said. But I've never been separated from my brother in over 200 years.

"Don't worry," Sunoo smiled softly, "they just decided to go on a trip. Jake wanted to get away from the drama and thought - correctly - that you needed a break. Hee....he's just scared, Jungwon. I have to believe you know that."

I nodded, "I do. But sometimes when people are afraid, they show all of these other emotions instead to mask their pain. Like, there's this example - it's called the anger iceberg. Basically, when you see an iceberg, all you see is the tiny tip of it, or just a little bit of what is breaking through the surface of the ocean. After all, that's how the Titanic sunk - they thought they could get around it. But there's so much more below the surface. A lot of people - like Heeseung over the last 20 years - show all of their emotions as anger. Sadness, fear, all of the negative things come out as being pissed and mean. Even grieving loss."

I took a deep breath and then added, "I don't think I believe anymore that we don't have real emotion like humans do. You have always shown real emotion. I think that my brothers and I haven't ever had to deal with emotions. So, they've never really translated correctly. Which is why Heeseung doesn't know how to be scared without being angry over his loss of control".

"Well, damn, Jungwon! Look at you, little psychologist."

"Sunoo, I've majored in psychology at least 4 times. I swear I learned the same things from 5 schools with little variances based on what's new. I could write a whole book."

"Well," Sunoo nodded, "I do agree that he's fearful and that he's showing it as anger. Maybe them going away will do some good. Maybe they'll decide they're happier out there. But that's their choice".

"And?" I asked my best friend expectantly.

"And what?"

"And... what about you and Sunghoon. I know you're dying to leave this 'bleak and lonely environment' as you say".

Sunoo looked down, thoughtful. I didn't think I was going to like what I heard next.

"Ya know, we sat down earlier today and had a long talk about it. Jake asked us to go with them, but we immediately declined that choice. Then Hoonie wanted to know if I wanted to leave,"

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