@actuallyyangjungwon: Conversation

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I had decided that I really didn't want to go to school anymore, and that there was absolutely no point

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I had decided that I really didn't want to go to school anymore, and that there was absolutely no point. Riki and I were barely attending classes and I was just kinda fed up. I had found Jay but what was the point, we weren't hanging out anymore.

But Sunghoon and Sunoo insisted that we still go. For one, they wanted to try and figure out why the weird match lady was on campus and why she was teaching Jay. But also they didn't want me to give up. I kinda think low-key Sunghoon didn't want Heeseung to be mad at him for letting us hang out and do nothing, but it's not like it even mattered.

I liked walking around campus while everyone else was in class. It was quiet and peaceful. I also liked the time being alone. Even though no one was nagging at me anymore, it was still nice to just be by myself to think. Or just zone out.

As I turned the corner toward the commons, I saw Jay sitting at a picnic table, drawing or sketching, a large stack of papers next to him. A guy I didn't know was sitting across from him. I knew that he was supposed to be in class, so I was curious what was going on. He lifted his head up and I was afraid he'd see me. I quickly backed around the corner of the building, slamming my body a little too hard against the brick wall as I turned.

"So, this is what she has you doing?", the unfamiliar voice asked, "drawing the past?"

"Just parts of the past," Jay answered, "there are some sketches that I need to get from my parents house as well that she wants to see."

"I don't know. You do you, but it still seems kinda weird and outta nowhere."

"I get it, but you just don't understand, and that's ok. It's no big deal."

"Well, I guess good luck? I hope you find what you're looking for...

"See ya, man," I heard Jay say, as I heard him get up from the table and walk away.

Knowing that it was safe, I turned the corner to continue my walk, then stopped short.

It wasn't Jay that had walked off. It was his friend. Jay looked up at me and I looked around, There was no way out now. I waved. He waved back.

He didn't ask to talk to me or call out to me, but it's not like I can just avoid him altogether, so I decided that all I could do is walk over there, say hey, and go on about my day.

Ugh, this sucks so much. The closer I got to the table the further my heart moved into my throat. I finally stopped just in front of him. He was calmly stacking up his papers, placing them in his bag.

"Hi Jay," I said softly, "Sorry to bother you I just...I hadn't seen you in a while and I wanted to say hi."

I smiled and turned to walk away.

"Jungwon, wait!" Jay called, stopping me in my tracks, "do you have a minute?"

I turned around, unable to hide my look of surprise. "Umm...yeah? Yeah, I have a minute. I'm supposed to be in class, actually, but I haven't been terribly interested in class lately, so I have nothing but time." I laughed but it sounded hollow. I felt really uncomfortable.

Jungwon Writes Fan Fiction: A JayWon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now