@actuallyyangjungwon: Art Therapy

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Jay and I sat down on the big velvety couch, drinks in hand, looking out at the water

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Jay and I sat down on the big velvety couch, drinks in hand, looking out at the water.

"This really is a super cool condo," Jay said, "the view reminds me a lot of my parents' house, actually, except theirs is from much further away."

He sounded distant as he thought about his parents, but quickly shook himself out of it, turning to smile at me.

"Looks like your brother is having the time of his life," Jay laughed, nodding toward the center of the room. Riki was in the middle of a large group of people, dancing with another student. It may even have been a dance battle, I wasn't sure.

"Yeah," I laughed, "Riki's wanted to be a dancer for as long as I can remember".

"Well, he should do it then," Jay said, "he could get into any dance studio with that talent".

I nodded again, "Yeah, probably, but it's complicated..."

Jay didn't ask me how it was complicated. Instead, we once again settled into a comfortable silence. I was still nursing the same beer when Jay got up to get another round of Death Punch.

"How's it going?" Sunoo asked, sneaking by when he saw Jay get up to refill his cup.

"I think okay?" I shrugged. "I am pretty sure that he at least likes me, I'm just not so sure it's like for forever. That seems like a very big ask."

Sunoo nodded, "I know, but please try. For me?" he kissed me on the forehead and left just as Jay started to rejoin me.

"What was that about?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing," I answered.

"Didn't look like nothing," Jay grinned, "Maybe I SHOULD be jealous of the brother-in-law."

"You don't need to be jealous," I laughed. Then quietly, just to see how it felt I added, "You really don't need to be jealous of anything or anyone. Ever."

I looked up to find Jay staring at me.

"Sorry," I said, my face brightening.

"Don't be," Jay said, taking a giant gulp of his drink, "I'm glad."

Jay took my hand and linked our fingers, and we sat, quietly again. My head was spinning, and I'd barely had anything to drink. I still wasn't sure how I was ever going to explain all of this to him. And what kind of reaction would he have? I don't think humans even believe that vampires are really a thing, right?

After a few minutes passed, Jay started to stand up, holding his hand out to pull me up as well.

"There's no sense in putting this off any longer," he said, and my stomach dropped. I was filled with dread.

"Wh-what? Putting what off?" I asked nervously.

"My art therapy projects. I needed to show you some of the things I drew. I didn't want to like, spoil the party but it's just kinda hanging out there and I need someone to process it with. Then, hopefully, we can get on with just having fun. I'm being too quiet and not exactly myself, and I think it's because I just really want to share this with you," he said.

Jungwon Writes Fan Fiction: A JayWon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now