More than Meets the Eye, Part 2 [Sick, Spike, Soundwave, and Sandwich]

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(Third POV)

After cleaning up the mess that the Decepticon caused, all the main and side characters and (Y/N) went to where the Autobots were living. Nothing can go wrong right?

Well, just one slight one.



The (boy/girl/person) took a gulp of medicine from a small silver spoon. "Alright, thank for taking the medication for your cold." The tech hero who happens to be in a medical field went to get medicine earlier this afternoon. "Here," he gave (Y/N) an oversized comfortable rectangle cloth. "Have a blanket, just keep it on until you warm up."

In thankfulness, (he/she/they) took the cloth and wrapped it around their body to keep it from over-cooling. "Thanks, I'm very grateful." The (H/C) (boy/girl/person) coughed with a mask on.

"No problem, just don't have an adrenaline rush. Walking is fine." He nodded. "Call me or the others if you need something or anything." He handed (him/her/them) their (favorite/color) phone with a small hint of red. "Also, here's a sandwich. I've been told you been eating your sandwich at every single moment."

"Ah, thanks!" (Y/N) happily said, taking a bite out of it.


"See ya soon! Don't get into any trouble!" Tech walked away to go and meet his cousins and family members.

"Alright." (Y/N) said, standing up. "I'll go check on Spike to see how he's doing." (He/She/They) said, leaving to go outside.


"The Autobots are a highly advance form of robots. I don't really know if they're from the past or the future. But they can think,"


"And can have real feelings." Sparkplug's son finished.

It was a warm evening, as the sun set down as over the forest. Spike outside, he was taking notes about the Autobots, but also was secretly admiring someone too.

(Spike's POV)

As I was almost finishing taking notes, I couldn't help but think about (Y/N). When I first met them, they seemed to be scared and confuse at first, but they were strangely a bit aware. I'm glad to be their friend, but for some reason...they were giving me this feeling that I don't really get often.

"Hey Spike, whatcha doin'?" I flinched at their familiar voice of the person.

"(Y- (Y/- (Y/N)!" I yelped at the sight of (him/her/them), being wrapped in a complete blanket. "W- What are you doing here?" Crap, I stuttered a little bit.

"Just came to check in on ya, and no Decepticons here to capture you." (He/She/They) replied, shrugging in response, I quickly pack my book in my backpack and close it and got up. "So, ready to go back?"

I nodded, but then, "Do you- uh- want me to walk you down?" I suddenly asked. "I want to make sure I catch you in case you fall since you're sick..." I quickly put up an excuse for a question of my own.

I felt kind of stupid for asking that question because (Y/N) was able to make it up to the hill where I was with no problem. Oh well, it doesn't actually hurt to try and help.

"Ah, it's fine, I'm afraid I'll get you sick." (He/She/They) coughed underneath the mask using the blanket around them.

"N- No. I insist- !" I stuttered again. Dang it Spike! What's wrong with me?! Why do care for (him/her/them) so much- ?!

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