Q&A Special!

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Thank you readers for helping me reach to 1K views for my story!

I'm sorry I haven't been updating, due to school, I've been a bit busy with my homework and staying up until bedtime which I am suppose to go asleep.

But I now I have a chance to make this special.

You guys can ask me in the comment section below if you have any questions about me. It can't be something too personal as in my real name, where I live, my birthday, etc. Mostly anything personal, but you can ask me what I am doing and how I do it or- you know what I mean. (MAKE SURE YOUR QUESTIONS ARE APPROPRIATE)

See ya soon!

Your dear author Clean Bubbles

Envision the Serendipitous; Transformers G1 (Season 1) x Modern ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now