Transport to Oblivion [This is real Trouble for (Y/n)!]

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For a day passing by, it was actually suppose to be a monthly timeskip, and oddly, (Y/n) felt like nothing had changed. 

"(Y/n)?? Are you...?" Quirky was standing in front of him/her/them as the (h/c) boy/girl/person kept staring at his/her/their sandwich. "(Y/n)- ?! You've been staring at that sandwich for 30 minutes straight! Are you alright?- !" She sweat dropped as she waved a hand over him/her/them to get their attention. 

"Eh?" The said person's name blinked and looked up at her who looked distressed and worry. "Oh! Sorry! I was thinking if I- I- Uhh- if I was really in the mood to eat my sandwich!" He/She/They replied hastily as he/she/they took quick nibbles of the food. "So- did you have to say something???" (Y/n) asked as Quirky sighed. 

"No, I was planning to remind you that Jazz and Spike were heading on their way back. They wanted you to come, but they found you frozen staring at your sandwich. Everyone was practically worry with that look you were giving, Optimus said that you might needed some alone time with something that you had, so Jazz and Spike left." She explained of what happened when he/she/they were in a 30-minute-trance. 

"Ah, I see..." He/She/They sweat dropped of what he/she/they caused before noticing something. The (h/c) boy/girl/person looked around the area before asking something. "Hey, where's your super-friends?" (Y/N) questioned to her. 

"Oh, they are out on a stroll around the city." She chuckled nervously. "I hope they don't cause any chaos..." She said the last part quietly to herself, reminiscing all those times she was with her friends. 

(Y/n) tilted his/her/their head in confusion and asked her. "Oh...uh- what chaos are you exactly talking about?" Quirky flinched at the statement before turning begrudgingly to him/her/them. 

"You don't want to find out..."

"Ok." (Y/n) blinked.

"Well then, catch you later! Let me know if there's anything wrong!" Quirky waved before leaving. 

As he/she/they watched the super leaving, (Y/n) took out their book that Quirky's given him/her/them when he/she/they were spaced out. 

Flip! Flip!

(Y/n) flipped the book open to a couple of pages where there were some notes written down on there. "Hmm, if I can recall most of what this person named after my last name, she said something about this timeline thing..." He/She/They have been writing down notes about what (Y/n) saw. "What could it possibly mean if the timeline reset?" The (e/c) boy/girl/person began tapping his/her/their cheek. 

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