Transport to Oblivion [Not a Failed Escape]

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After getting put into an energy cage, Quirky was able to recover that time, but her frame's movement was restricted from Energon chains. "Ow, what happened?? Am I dreaming...??" She groaned as she reawakened. 

"You're not dreaming, but I remember you crashing right next to us before knocking out." Spike replied. 

"Oh yeah, I think I remembered Soundwave YEETED me to the ground. Before I was knocked out, I was pretty sure I smelled worry from him about something." Quirky explained.

"Hmm...but why? Don't Decepticons hate humans?" Spike asked. "Also, what does 'YEETED' mean?"

"Sometimes, they certainly dislike some of them, but mostly all. And it's a slang term of throwing something." The creation heroine said. 'Great, I'm a side character of the protagonist which is (Y/n), at least he/she/they aren't planning to fall in love.'

"Well, moving that aside, we need to get out of here." (Y/n) interrupted their conversation. "Once...we figure how..." He/She/They sighed at the situation they're in.

"*Grrrrr...* *Hiss...*" Ravage came up to them and growled to make sure that the prisoners weren't planning to do something about escaping. 

"Ravage!" (Y/n) looked at the robot Jaguar. "You..." His/Her/Their eyes were hidden underneath a shadow above his/her/their face.






"...I'm still mad you ate my souvenir!" 





"What???" (Y/n) ignored what he/she/they had said once Quirky, Ravage, and Spike were giving him/her/them a funny look. "Say something, please, you're starting to creep me out..." He/She/They gulped. 'I think I broke them...'

Envision the Serendipitous; Transformers G1 (Season 1) x Modern ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now