Roll for It [Headaches to Destroying the Anti-Matter!]

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"Quirky?" (Y/n) whispered breathlessly as he/she/they looked around besides the crowd of Hound.

"Quirky? Who's this... 'Quirky?'" Chip asked.

"Psst! Here!" She appeared right behind the boy/girl/person as he/she/they let out a small squeak. "Hush, we're here to save you!" She said in a quiet tone, cuing them that they can't blow up her cover. 

"How did you get here?" (Y/n) asked. 

She replied with a thumb-jabbing behind her, Spike and Bumblebee were there. "Boy, we are glad to see you." Chip commented. 

"And your reunion will be short-lived- "


"Shush Thundercracker-and-Skywarp rip-off! Let me enjoy this moment!" (Y/n) yelled, right after smacking him with a long and flexible pole that Quirky gave him/her/them. 'Sometimes, I feel like I- er- something wakes me up everyday to choose violence...' The boy/girl/person thought.

"Okay guys, let's haul cylinders!" Bumblebee transformed with the four being already seatbelt inside. 

"Adiòs 'cons!" (Y/n) waved as he/she/they left through the escape route.



The three drove at a high speed before they were met with a window in front of them and crashed right through. "Wheeee!!!" (Y/n) said with enthusiasm as Spike and Chip were hugging each other in the backseat out of fear. 

"REEEAAAHH!!" Quirky screamed as she held onto the seatbelt tightly. "AS MUCH AS I LIKE JOYRIDES I'M STILL SCARE I'M GOING TO DIE!" She yelled.


The three landed on the ground roughly but safety and quickly drove to where Optimus Prime and the others are. "Whooo! That was fun!" (Y/n) laughed, also because Quirky was breathing heavily with Chip and Spike still clinging onto each other. 

"Yeah..." The creation heroine managed to calm down as everyone in Bumblebee stepped out. 

"Thank you Bumblebee." Chip said.

Envision the Serendipitous; Transformers G1 (Season 1) x Modern ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu