Fire on the Mountain [The Crystal of Power]

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A/n: School is keeping me from writing. QwQ 

I'm trying to write as many chapters as I can! Sorry! Also, I will be following episodes based off


By the time the quartet arrived at the place Luisa showed the two a secret passageway. "This secret passageway leads to the Inca Temple!" She said. 

"How do you know?" Spike asked.

"I've been through this way before." She stated.

"Wow! That's interesting, if there was intruders at the main entrance, then this secret passageway can help us sneak in without getting noticed." (Y/n) stated as they headed inside with Bumblebee following along.


By the time they arrived, Jetfire was inside on the ground, injured. "Jetfire!" (Y/n) exclaimed, getting out of Bumblebee's alt mode. "Can you hear me!? WAKE UP!" He/She/They yelled as the human tried to wake him up by kicking his helm.

"(Y/n)! Kicking his helm won't help!" Spike exclaimed.

"I don't know- I thought giving a good kick would work!" He/She/They said. 'Hmm... I don't think kicking works when Kicker kicks his kicking buddy Roadbuster/Ironhide...' (Y/n) then looked at the entrance of where they came from and saw Ravage.

He growled and hiss in warning, but (Y/n) was not having it. "Ravage, please noo..." He/She/They had a tired-angry looked mixed together on his/her/their face.

He ignored her warning and pounces on (Y/n). "No! Bad kitty!" He/She/They grumbled as the two began to wrestle each other. "Ow-! Haha! Take that-! Ow! Ye-ouch!" (Y/n) yelped in pain as they continue to wrestle.

"(Y/n)!" Bumblebee tried to intervene, but (Y/n) paused him.

"No... I got this..." He/She/They huffed as Ravage and (Y/n) gave each other a menacingly stare. "REEEEEE!!" He/She/They tackled Ravage as the two began to tussle, wrestle, and roll over each ohter.

"Jetfire! Spike! Anytime now! (Y/n)'s going to last with tussling Ravage!" Bumblebee exclaimed to his human friend, right after Spike finished the final touches.

"I think I got it!" He said. 

On cue, Jetfire picked up the Decepticon cat who was on top of (Y/n). "You're not going to lay a paw on my friends and (Y/n)!" He said before tossing him aside. 

The Decepticon landed on it's feet before he ran off, retreating, knowing that he's too small to fight him. "Thank you, Jetfire." (Y/n) smiled to his/her/their relief.

"Are you hurt anywhere!?" Spike asked, seeing his/her/their (f/c) sweater having rip-marks.

"Nah, just my sweater getting ripped constantly..." He/She/They replied, checking out the rips on them. "I'll just have to stitch it up someday..." (Y/n) muttered with annoyance.

Envision the Serendipitous; Transformers G1 (Season 1) x Modern Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें