Chapter 1-- 7 Years Past

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(Skye's POV)

I walked out of the guild with the wind hitting my back, seemingly pushing me away from the almost fantasy-like 'Fairy Tail'. Unconciously, my lip curled in disgust.

Good riddance, I thought. For a majority of my life, I practiced two types of magic, those of opposing forces, angelic, and what I like to call 'End' magic. And of course, since you are different in his world, you are disrespected and treated like utter shit. I walk away, every step I take away from that wooden building giving me new strength.

Today is the day I start a new, I think to myself with hope, today is the day where my new life begins!

The streets were flooded with unsuspecting people, all with their own lives and stories, completely unaware of someone like me, someone who was considered to be taboo, dangerous, untrustworthy, a mage who possessed the ability to control two types of magic. I never tried to let their words harm me but they always seemed to do so. Then it hit me. How will I find a guild? How will I keep myself alive? What place will accept someone like me?

I began rush to my sad-looking apartment and begin to pack a bag with clothes, money.... basically anything I'd need to get by for the time being. I stride over to my filthy bathroom and I take one last look at the guild mark I once had such pride in... I shut my eyes and remove it with my somewhat-trained magic. The memory was gone.

I sighed. I grabbed my bag and took a running jump out of an open window. Right before I hit the ground, I unfurled my magic, golden wings and shot back up.

I wonder if another guild would take me... I pondered as I flew out of Magnolia.

I ended up going around most of Fiore, from guild to guild, looking for a new place to pour my heart and soul into.... no luck.

It wasn't until one day when I stopped in an Inn for a drink when I heard some drunken men chatting about the place that would change my life.

As I listened in, I heard them say something about a dual-magic wizard guild called 'Shikon Tail' and that it was in the nearby town of Shirotsume.

I quickly paid the bartender, downed my shot and took off again.

The sun was rising when I finally made it to the city of Shirotsume. I wandered through the bustling streets when I heard a loud commotion from a nearby bar.

A crash interrupted my stroll, I see a man thrown from the bar with a woman not far behind, obvious annoyance written on her face, "STUPID FLAME BRAIN GOT US BANNED FROM ANOTHER PLACE! You really cant keep your magic to yourself?"

Small bursts of flame sprouted from his nostrils, "Not my fault people are assholes!" The woman bitch-slapped him across the face, water dripping onto the ground.

He shook it off and a pair of blood red dragon wings sprouted from his back, "Well I'm going back to the guild, see you there where we can actually have fun!"

The man take off into the sky with some people looking in disgust. The woman laughs nervously, "Sorry everyone.... Sorry Collin."

The man I assumed to be Collin walked out with an audible sigh, "Not your fault." I desperately wanted to talk to them, to see if they really were what I thought they were. "Duo Mages!" Someone spat from the crowd.

The woman smiles, "Thank you!" She says with sarcasm. Now or never I guess. I take a deep breath and stride over to the two.

"Are you two... duo mages?" I ask sheepishly.

Colin tilts his head, looking at me cautiously, "Yeah...? Why do you ask?"

I unfurl my wings, "Because I'm a duo mage as well."

Chapter 1 has been redone as of January 7th, 2017!

It may be roughly as short as the original, but hey! It is significantly better!

And y'know what they say,,, first impressions are everything.

Thanks to ADMIN Light for helping me out with this chapter~!

Hope you enjoyed!

~Chow <3

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