Chapter 25 -- Just Another Job

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{Natiel's POV}

"Come on Kaylee! Please?" I asked her. I was trying to get her to go on a job with Glitch and I, she wasn't budging a bit about it.

"Nope." She said defiantly, "There is no way on this planet that I will go on a job with her!" She pointed at Glitch, hatred burning in her eyes. I tugged uneasily at the plaid shirt I was wearing.

"Come on!" I pleaded, "Don't have such a bias against Glitch! She's really nice and she's really sorry about what happened!"

"No she is not!" Kaylee shouted at me, "Even if she is, then she has to a lot to make up for it!"

"Then let her make up for some of it while on the job!" I argued, "Just try to get along and come with us?"

"Why should I?" She retorted, "It's Ella's week to watch her, not mine!"

"Ella's on a High-Class job, she's trying to 'rid a demon from a village'." Chris said walking past, reciting the flyer that she grabbed.

"UGH." Kaylee said, "Fine. But I give the orders."

"Yay!" I said. She grabbed the flyer off the temporary Job Board and went into the tent that had Master Trevor and Colin inside. She came out a minute later.

"Come on. We've got a train to catch to Obstone." She said. I pulled Glitch to her feet and we headed towards the train station, right behind Kaylee.

[Later... In Obstone...]

We arrived in Obstone and instantly headed to the Requester's place.

"You two stay out here." Kaylee instructed, "I'll check up on what we're doing and we'll get on with this job."

"Got it Boss!" I said, saluting her. She rolled her eyes and went inside the house.

"H-hey, Natiel?" I heard Glitch say.

"What's up?" I responded, turning towards her.

"It's just that... um... well..." She swallowed, "I don't like this... feeling... I'm getting at this place. I-It's really unsettling."

I put my hands on her shoulders and she jumped, "Don't worry about it! We'll be done and out of here before you know it!"

She looked terrified as she looked around. Trust me, I noticed it as well, the people here were staring at us like we suddenly turned into dragons or something. It was like they were scared of us. But then I noticed something else... They weren't staring at me. They were staring at Glitch... and they were whispering shit.

My face hardened into an annoyed and an angry glare. Believe me, they noticed my pissed-off scowl and their eyes widened. I simply raised my hand and I lifted up chunks of earth, noting my eyes were glowing a bright gold as I used my Earth magic.

"She's a demon!" I heard somebody scream in terror.

"They're both monsters!" I heard an angry male voice yell.

"Demons be gone!" Somebody else shouted. A group of people started hurling rocks at me and Glitch.

I held out my other hand and stopped the rocks midair and hurled them back at their senders. The people ran for their lives and hid inside their houses. I dropped the rocks and smiled at Glitch as if nothing had happened. She smiled back in unsure thankfulness. Kaylee walked out the door.

"Um... Where did all the townspeople go?" Kaylee demanded.

"They said something about a meal they all had to attend." I lied, a big smile on my face.

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