Chapter 36 -- Finally

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{Chris' POV}

I noticed Skye shift into an offensive stance, I followed.

"Begin!" Collin yelled as he summoned a rifle and fired it at me. I barely dodged the magic bullet as it whistled past my ear.

"Go time..." I whispered. I sent a fiery explosion out as I felt the acidic burning feeling rise from my chest. 

As the rubble cleared I saw Akuma standing next to me, a fanged smirk plastered on his scarred face. His blood-red eyes narrowed and he shot himself at Trevor. Trevor threw his arm to the side which caused a massive gust of wind to run through the tunnel. It was enough to throw Akuma off. He shot to the side and crashed into a wall.

There was a quick flash of light and then I noticed Skye rush at Collin with a white sword. He summoned his pale-golden screens. Before Skye reached him, he seemed to pull out a sword from one of his screens. He seemed to match every move of hers with a perfect block.

I engulfed my fists with flames and ran at Trevor. I swung my fists at Trevor and he swiftly moved back with each punch. I managed to get him right under his ribs, burning a hole in his vest.

"Tch..." He said, as he removed his vest in one motion, tossing it to the side. He raised his fists, ready to defend himself once again.

I swung at him again, he dodged. Every time I went to punch him, he seemed to read my mind and always dodged with perfect timing. Like lightning, his fist suddenly connected with my jaw, sending me reeling back, tripping over Akuma. He caught me and looked at me with an annoyance.

I noticed a flash of purple light and then End appeared, fighting right next to Skye.

I turned and nodded to Akuma. He nodded back and we both rushed Trevor. Akuma went for a punch, missed, but turned and whacked Trevor with his tail, cutting his cheek. I set my foot on fire and went for a kick. Trevor put my leg out as he caught my leg, he threw my body down with his wind and grabbed a fistful of my hair. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Akuma go for him again. Trevor yanked me up by my hair and collided my head against Akuma's.

He realeased my hair and I stumbled to the ground, my vision swirling and my head pounding.

"Come on!!" I heard Akuma growl at me as he pulled me to my feet, my vision still spinning.

"Move Hellbrawn!!!" I heard End yell as I heard a bullet whistle past my ear. A split second later I felt a searing pain in my arm. I stumbled over to a large rock and kneeled behind it. My vision settled and then I felt the warm blood trickle from a good-sized bullet wound. I moved the hood of my jacket as close as I could to my face, bit down on it and set my hand on fire. I bit down hard as I connected the fire to the wound, growling in pain. When I was done I stood up and leapt back into the battle.

I quickly felt the hard end of Trevor's pistol hit me right next to my temple. Soon after I felt a kick to my stomach and another bullet hit me right in my thigh. I faltered to the floor. Trevor stood next to me, ready to defeat me.

End suddenly came out of no where and slugged Trevor in the face with a glowing purple fist. He flew a few inches and slid against the floor. Akuma grabbed my arm and started to tug me away.

"I like her style..." Akuma whispered to me as we fused back together. I felt the pain in my leg fade away as I stood again. I summoned his wings then flew towards Trevor, who was back up, twisting when I got close to him, whipping open the wings to smack him in the face, causing multiple cuts and most likely other wounds.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Skye was having trouble with Collin, I rushed over and caught him off-guard.

I use Akuma's tail to whip him in his back, causing him to fly forward to the floor as the breath is knocked out of him. He tries to twist around and fire a gun, but I maneuver to flee the bullets.

I breathe a ball of fire, and summon a strong gust from my wings at him, seeing him brace as the fireball shakes the ground and fills the cave with smoke.

I turn to see  Trevor whipping wind throughout the cave and causing Skye and End to be pinned to opposing walls as I struggle to fight the wind.

I'm pinned to the wall, watching Trevor pull a gun to Skye while End uses her end magic to will herself away from the rock wall.

She flings herself at Trevor, pinning him to the ground.

"Hey Princess!" She yells to Skye. As she gets down from the wall, while the wind is tamed, I rush to find Colin is down for the count.

I hear a loud explosion and see Skye (with End nowhere to be seen) flung at the wall by a special bullet from Trevor's gun.

I use my fist to punch his arm oppositely, hearing a crack. He uses his other arm to bash my left temple with the base of his gun causing me to see white in my vision and have a bullet of pure force, drive into my chest. I get back up weakly as I see him give a final blow to Skye.

She stumbles back and falls, not getting up.

A flash of pure fire runs through me as I get the courage to envelop my fists with flames as I fly straight at Trevor, he whirls slightly to try and block my attack but to no avail. He is knocked back, arms smoking.

It looked like he was about to collapse.

I then saw Trevor's shoulder start to shake as he laughs, looking up. "Congrats."

I look at him confused, wasn't he supposed to be knocked out?

Don't you jinx it.

Shut it.

He shuffled over to Collin and poked him with his foot, "Come on Collin, get up." Collin sighed and pulled himself to his feet.

"Huh?" He said almost sleepily, "Are we already done?"

Without breaking eye contact I quietly moved over to Skye as she was regaining consciousness. I carefully pulled her to her feet and put her arm around my shoulders to support her.

Trevor brushed rubble off of his shoulder, "Congratulations, Chris, Skye... and others..." Collin rolled his eyes as Trevor continued talking, "You have successfully proved yourselves as powerful enough to pass the High-Class Trials and you..." He turned to me, "Have earned the rank and title of High-Class!"

"Congratulations, Christopher Hellbrawn, the newest High-Class!" Collin said with enthusiasm.

"Congrats... Dragon-Boy..." Skye said breathlessly from next to me.

You're welcome asshole.

Thanks for the help Akuma.

Whatever, you owe me.

I laughed to myself as Collin spoke again, "Come on now, we need to get the other ten."

"Let's go home and get patched up." Trevor said, eyeing Skye as she was fading in and out of consciousness. I felt her warm blood drip down onto my hand that was around her waist.

"Agreed." I said at the same time as Collin said, "I guess I should've gone slightly easier on her."

"I'm... fine..." She laughed, "But, yeah... let's go..."


Half the chapter gone, now it's back, let's hope it doesn't cut off again.

School's kicking my ass, and since I made the decision to work my school's plays ON TOP OF schoolwork ON TOP OF cosplay gives me almost zero time to write -_- (This also goes for ADMIN Light)

SO, apologies! I will desperately try to get as many chapters out as I can!

Hope you enjoyed!

~Chow <3 + ADMIN Light

Shikon TailDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora