Chapter 16 -- Glitch Switch

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[Back in Crocus...]

{Glitch's POV}

I knocked out a guard and assumed his form. I let a smirk come to my lips and continued forward to where Target A was sitting in the collesseum.

"Come in Glitch..." I heard Master's voice over an earpiece.

I sighed and pressed the earpiece, "Glitch the Guard here, over."

"Good, now Target A is moving down the corridor to the designated spot."

"On it." I moved down the hallway and saw her next to the a Guild's medic door.

"Excuse me Miss..." I said in the guards voice.

"What?" She responded, eyeing me down.

"You have been requested at the back gate." I said. Was that the right line?

"By who?" She asked.

"He claims to be a comrade of yours Miss..." I said.

"God damnit it must be Chris..." She whispered.

"If you would Miss..." I said, catching her attention once again.

"Oh, uh, I'm... fine, I, um... don't really want to see or  talk to him for that matter..." She said, turning away.

"You leave me no choice 'Miss'" I said, giving her a silent, yet evil smirk.

"Wha-" I cut her off with swinging the guard's sword at her head.

{Skye's POV}

The crazy guard swung his sword at my head! I quickly summoned an angelic shield and blocked it.

"What the hell are you doing man?!" I yelled, hoping to attract someone's attention.

The guard swung his sword at me more and more.

"Make this easier for yourself Ma'am! Just give up!" He said.

What in the angel's name is going on?!

"For the king's sake!" I heard a male voice behind me, "You're making this too hard, stop messing around!"

I turned to look at him and as I started to turn I felt something hard hit the back of my head and I hit the floor.

What the hell?!

He hit my head again and I saw my vision going ever darker.

He hit my head one final time and my vision went completely black.

I had one more thought before going unconscious; What the hell just happened?!

{Glitch's POV}

"I had it under control Cody!" I yelled at my male comrade.

"Well, you took too long so decided to come and help." He said, picking up the girl.

I transformed back to my regular outfit and glared at him.

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, change into her and get on that train to Shirotsume, Master must be already there, talking to the guild's Master."

"I hate you..." I muttered, turning into the girl, "Now where's her mark?"

"There's a hole in the back of her flannel, her mark's there." He said, rather annoyed.

"Okay..." I said, looking down at my jewel. It had turned into a sapphire necklace.

"Come on," Cody said, "I've got to get this one on the carriage and you on that damn train." He started towards the back entrance.

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