Chapter 23 -- Let's Go Home

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This chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends, Tori. 

She's been through so much stuff these last through days. I send you all of my sympathy and my condolences. I love you like a sister, and I hope you understand that we ALL do.

With love,



{Skye's POV}

We somehow managed to get back to the room where everyone else was. OOna and Tori were awake and Julia was waking up. Chris and Venn were still out.

Glitch saw Venn and rushed over to him. I quickly checked on everyone else, then went over to Chris.

He was now slightly awake. I shook his shoulder and his eyes shot open.

"Skye! Christ!" He yelled, I jumped back a bit.

"Ummm... are you... okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I guess..." He said, his eyes traveled to the half-eaten corpse.

His eyes widened and he looked back at me.

"Did... did he...?"

"I think so... I mean..." I gestured to his mouth. He felt it and saw the blood, I swear I saw his face turn green.

He turned around, braced one arm against the wall and threw up. I looked over to where Glitch and Venn were and saw that Glitch now had Venn's arm over her shoulder and was walking over to Julia, Tori and OOna.

"Come here." I said, helping Chris up and over to the rest.

"So, where's the way out?" I asked, "I think we've been here longer than any of us wanted to be."

I noticed Glitch and Natiel giving me a 'No shit' faces and I gave a small laugh. 

Glitch smiled, "I know the way out." She said, pointing at the door.

"Then let's leave." OOna said warmly.

"Yes, let's leave." Tori agreed.

We navigated to the entrance and we stood at the gates. I saw Glitch look back, with... regret? Remorse? I don't know.

I also had no idea where we were. Chris had passed out against my shoulder, probably from lack of magic.

"Hey." I said to Glitch, "You good?"

"Y-yeah..." She said, turning towards me, "Let's go."

[Back at Shikon Tail (Or what remains)...]

{Still Skye's POV}

We walked into Shirotsume. The others flew here originally, but Chris and Venn were still both out, so we really couldn't fly back here, so it was a two-day walk.

"Jeez," I said, "How long does Chris stay passed out?"

"Well, Akuma was in control for quite a while." Tori responded, "So... I think he'll be out for at least another day."

"Akuma?" I asked.

"His demon." Julia answered.

"Oh! Just like how End is my 'Dark Magic'." I said, using air quotes around dark magic.

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