Chapter 27 -- The Party

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{Skye's POV}

[Two Days Later... In The Morning...]

I woke up in a slight panic, I looked at my clock. This huge party was in a few hours and I was honestly dreading it slightly. I wasn't one for parties and I know tons of people (most likely including myself) were going to be drinking. So that wasn't a good thing for a ball later on in the evening. I at least had a dress to change into for it.

I sighed. I guess if the others were there, then I'd feel a bit more comfortable. I jumped at a knocking at my door.

"Hurry up and get ready Skye!" Julia's voice came from the other side of the door, "The guild party is going to start soon!"

"I'll be there in a sec!" I replied.

"'Kay!" Her voice responded. I heard her footsteps as she continued down the hallway.

I sighed and got out of bed. I went to my closet, grabbed a flannel with a hood, burgundy skinny jeans and my knee-high boots. Something casual, after all, the ball would be later tonight and I was going to be looking formal.

I combed my hair and brushed my teeth. I left my room and walked down the hallway and the steps to the guild. When I happened to run into Chris again!

"We've got to stop making this a habit." He said, smiling.

My face flushed and I laughed nervously, "Yeah..."

"Hey." He said, catching my attention, "We should get going, the party's going to start really soon."

I nodded and we both left the dorms and walked towards the guild. It seemed to be especially cold today.

"Jeez... " I said shivering, "It may be too cold to do the outdoor ball!"

"Trevor would never let that happen." Chris told me, "He'll probably have all the fire wizards make a few fires around the fountain to keep everyone warm."

"So..." I said, "Is the party usually the same every year?"

"Meh..." he replied, "Certain things. Usually some activities aren't the same, but some are. Plus... I've heard Ella and Colin put a 'surprise' in the guild last night after everyone left."

"That's... sort of terrifying..." I said.

"Agreed." Chris said.

We arrived outside the guild and it was alive with... well it was what I assumed would be every wizard Shikon Tail had.

We opened the doors and were greeted with the gorgeous decorations that were set up in the last two days. Almost every wizard had some sort of drink in their hand. People were dancing on tables, in a little fight, or getting more alcohol. Chris and I glanced at each other and walked in further. 

"Jeez, it's loud in here." We heard somebody say behind us. We turned to spot Natiel and Glitch. Natiel was in a long white coat with blue and gold trim, jeans, knee-high boots and her light blue blindfold. Glitch was just in her regular outfit with the addition of a black and white scarf.

"Why aren't you wearing anything more than a scarf to keep you warm Glitch?" Chris asked.

"Well you see..." She said, "I don't get cold. But Natiel had me where this scarf just in case." She walked over to us to whisper, "It's just to keep her happy." She returned to Natiel's side. Chris and I laughed.

Ella suddenly appeared in front of us, "Hey! You guys made it!" She said smiling.

"Yeah!" Natiel said, "I wouldn't miss a party! I haven't been to one in ages!"

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