Chapter 10 -- Rainforest Rumble

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"Why is it so hot~?!" Chris complained for the umpteenth time, retying his black jacket around his waist.

"Says the 'Demon Flare' wizard." I teased. He shot me an annoyed look.

"Shut up and deal with it." Tori told him, clearly annoyed, "Do you think I want to be here too? I'm boiling..." She fanned her face with her hand.

"Stop. Complaining." Ella said with her voice of steel, she turned to me and Chris "I want Chris and Skye to do recon above."

"What are we looking for?" I asked.

"Look for any suspicious movement or odd land features." She said sternly.

We both nodded and took flight. Soaring over the trees, keeping an eye out for the 'movement' Ella told us to find.

After a while, Chris called out to me from about twenty feet ahead, "Yo! Have you seen anything?"

"Nah..." I shook my head, "I'm starting to believe this is a lost cause..." He turned to me shocked, I kept talking, "Do you think it's possible that the 'Great and Powerful Ella' may be mislead here?"

"You may not want to have Ella hear you," Chris said matter-of-factly, "She'll freeze you."

Suddenly, a loud roar sounded from below. Chris and I took one look at each other and shot down to where the others were.

"Did you hear that?" Chris asked as we landed.

"Who didn't?" Tori sighed.

"The question is," Ella said from behind me, making us all jump, "What was it?"

"Dunno." Tori and Chris responded. I let out a heavy sigh.

"A monster?" I asked, answering the obvious question.

Ella looked at me and smiled, "Of course. Silly me! Let's go find it!"

As we walked towards the direction the roar came from, Tori and Chris pulled me back to where they were lagging behind.

"What do you want?!" I said, slightly shocked.

"Why'd you have to steal Ella's thunder?" Tori said, concernedly.

"What?" I responded, confused, "I just answered her question!"

"She does that to feel smarter, later!" Chris told me.

"If she wants to feel smart," I said, starting to walk in front of them, "She should actually figure shit out instead of trying to discover the obvious!"

Suddenly the ground shifted and the roar sounded again. Then, the ground shook more violently and it started to crack under our feet. Chris and I extended our wings and the crack in the ground continued to split further. I grabbed Ella and flew into the air, Chris grabbed Tori and did the same.

A huge chunk of land seemed to... come alive. It stood up and let out another roar. It's 'face' turned towards us and we all flinched.

"Maybe it's like a dinosaur, and it's vision is based on movement..." Tori whispered, just loud enough for everybody to hear her.

The earth-monster held out a rocky hand and somehow shot a blood-red beam.

"Move it Skye!!" Chris yelled as I froze when the beam was fired right at Ella and I.

It hit us and I felt my magic-power drain in the dark red light. I felt my wings disappear, and we both started falling.

Right. Into. A. Freaking. Cage.

Us and the cage fell into the monster's rocky hand. I slammed my side into the cage made of stone and earth.

"Let. Us. Out!!" I said, slamming into the cage with each word, "Chris! Tori! Help. Us!"

"No!" Ella yelled, stopping them, "You could trapped too!"

"What should we do?!" Chris said, still carrying Tori.

"We'll try to get out!" Ella told them, "You find some way to destr-"

"Noisy..." The monster seemed to say. He roared again and shot another, lighter beam and suddenly, I couldn't move. I looked down and saw that I was turning to stone! I turned to Ella and saw that she was in the same state.

"Can't you get us out of this?!" I yelled in panic at Ella.

"My magic's too low!" She yelled back.

The stone was now at my waist, and was still traveling upwards.

"Skye! Ella!" Chris and Tori yelled from about thirty feet away. They started to come closer.

"Help us!" I yelled, reaching towards Chris and Tori just as my body finished turning into stone. And with that, I blacked out.

{Chris' POV}

"Help us!" Skye yelled as her body froze in stone, her and Ella's faces both stuck in terrified and confused faces.

Tori and I stayed in the air, frozen to the spot in shock.

I felt myself starting to go demonic.

"Is there enough water in the air for you?" I asked Tori.

"Should be, we're in a rainforest." She responded, looking up at me, confused.

"Good." I smiled, I threw her in the air and she caught herself on her jet stream of water. She clutched her side, I remembered the injury she got when we were fighting Dark Infinity.

I flew at the monster at full speed and swiped at it with my now clawed hand. I was now breathing heavily and already felt my power draining with each minor attack. I kept attacking and attacking. I noticed Tori watching and bit my lip with my now fanged teeth.

"Tori!" I yelled at her, she flinched at my current appearance, "Stop floating there and help, damnit!!" She nodded and came closer to the monster, but not that close to me.

"Requip!" She shouted and turned into her 'Scalding Empress' armor and started to blast the manster with boiling hot water. I saw rocks starting to tumble around the arm that was holding the cage with stone-Skye and stone-Ella.

"Don't aim for that arm!" I yelled at Tori, "They'll fall!"

Realization filled her eyes and she started aiming and firing somewhere else.

"Don't worry Skye... Ella..." I thought as I flew in for another attack, "We'll save you two!"

*Screams because the plotline took ages to come up with*

So, I won't update this next week cuz I'll be in camp.


Still tried to write it the best I could, the filler bit before the end anyways.

Don't worry, I will probably write another chapter when I get back.

Oh! And Tori's 'Scalding Empress' armor looks like Opal's hair/outfit from Steven Universe. Just to give you guys a general image.

Have a good day/night!


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