Chapter 13 -- To Crocus, The Flower-Blooming Capitol

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[Two Days Before the GMG]

{Skye's POV}

All five of us were training outside the guild, getting ready for the Grand Magic Games. Kaylee, OOna and Ella were training us, while Master Trevor was watching us.

Venn and I walked over to the master, "Excuse me, Master." I said, catching his attention.

"Yes? What is it?" He said impatiently.

"It's just that... um..." Venn started.

"We're both new! Isn't there anyone more experienced you could send?" I finished for him.

"You two have untapped power from what I've heard." He said bluntly, "Now get back to training! You guys are leaving tomorrow."

{Chris' POV}

Why was Skye and Venn talking to Trevor? I flew slightly higher as I easily sensed and dodged OOna's light arrow. I didn't take my eyes off them until I heard Tori fly up next to me with her Water Wing armor.

"You so like her!" She said as we started to spar in the air. She threw a quick kick to my shoulder.

"I do not!" I growled, blocking her kick and throwing a punch that landed on her stomach.

She laughed, "Oof! Just admit it! You don't like seeing her hang out with another guy, but, you won't ask her out!" She managed a swift kick to my side and I dropped a couple feet. I glanced over to where Skye and Venn were. I glanced around for the two and saw Venn and Julia sparring and Skye flying up to join us.

Tori gave me a smirk as Skye came into earshot.

{Skye's POV}

"Hey guys!" I said, flying up to Chris and Tori, "Mind if I join you two?"

"Hey Skye!" Tori said waving, "Of course you can join us!" She put extra emphasis on the course, whilst smirking at Chris.

I smiled and started sparring the two; I punched the both of them with my fists enveloped in my angelic light, their's fire and water. We fought until it started getting dark. We all said our goodbyes for the night and agreed to meet back at the guild before we left.

[Early The Next Day...]

I woke up to the soft twittering of birds to my open window. I blinked my eyes open to the pale morning sky. I stretched and got out of bed.

I threw on my now usual of a plaid shirt (with a cutout of where my mark is thanks to Julia), a colored tank top, a pair of shorts and black boots. I opened the window to my dorm room and took flight to the guild.

I arrived at the guild third out of five. The other two were Chris and Tori.

"Hey, where are Julia and Venn?" I asked. Chris narrowed his eyes at the mention of the wizard.

"Julia told me she was going to go grab him before she came here." Tori informed me.

Like on cue, Julia and Venn burst through the door.

"Sorry we're late!" She apologized as Ella and Trevor walked through the closing doors.

"C'mon, C'mon." Trevor said, clapping his hands, "Your train leaves in one hour."


"And I heard that Fairy Tail is going to be participating!" Ella said happily, my eyes widened and she sent me a knowing glance, "So there'll be some competition!"

"What about Sabertooth?" I asked.

"And Lamia Scale and Mermaid Heel!" Julia added.

"Oh yeah! And Quatro Cerebus!" Chris said, remembering.

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