Chapter 15 --Skye's the Limit

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{Julia's POV}

I sort of felt bad for leaving Chris knocked out and bloody. But he slapped Skye!! I thought he liked her!!

I know he did it without thinking, but still.

"To bed you guys," I said, ushering Tori and Venn to their beds. I dragged Chris' unconscious, bloody body to his bed.

"I get the bathroom first!" Tori told us.

"'Kay." Venn responded.

"I'm gonna go keep watch for Skye." I said, starting for the balcony.

"I'll come with you!" Venn smiled, starting to stand up.

I threw a blanket at him, "Nah, I can do it alone." Did he look disappointed? "You should get some sleep anyway." I told him.

I walked onto the balcony and looked back through the window at Venn and sighed.

After a while, Tori and Venn were out, and I was staring up at the Sky Labyrinth. Were there still people battling it out?

Suddenly, a tree near the balcony shifted. I jumped over to the far edge of the railing.

"Who's there?" I said, trying to make myself sound lethal.

"Calm down Julia, it's me." Skye's calm and troubled voice came from tree.

"What are you doing in that tree?" I asked, trying to keep laughter out of my voice.

"Shut up." She said, "I just landed here a little while ago."

"Still." I probed.

"I don't want to face Chris right now, m'kay?" She said flatly.

"Understandable." I told her.

"I might stay here for another day, just to see the first day of the Games." She whispered.

"To see Fairy Tail?"

No sound came from the tree.

"I know you have some sort of history with them. I figured it out in Magnolia."

"Did you...?" She said quietly.

"I'll tell Trevor when we get back."

"Um, thanks?" She said, "I'm going to hang out in this tree for the night."

"Isn't it uncomfortable?" I asked.

"Nah," She said, "I've done it before."

"Well then, I'll leave you to it." I said, turning towards the glass door.

"I'll bring you a blanket," I said, opening the door, "It's getting cold out."

She gave a small laugh, "Thanks."

I returned with a blanket.

"Thanks again." She said.

"Goodnight." I said.

"'Night" She responded.

[The Next Morning...]

{Chris' POV}

I opened my eyes. Was I in a bed?

I sat up and looked around. I was the first one awake, Tori, Julia, and Venn were all still asleep. I turned to where Skye's stuff was, she hadn't come back. I sighed, Of course she wouldn't.

I was still in my clothes from last night, they had blood still splattered on them. I sighed again and got up to walk to the bathroom. As I walked into the bathroom I looked at my reflection in the mirror. All the scratches and bruises were now fading. I grabbed a towel and cleaned the remaining bits of blood on my face.

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