Chapter 11 -- To Save Our Friends In Stone!

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{Chris' POV}

"Don't worry Skye... Ella..."  I thought, flying towards the monster at full speed in my now demonic form, "We'll save you!!"  I shot giant fireballs towards the giant.

"Why isn't it fighting back?!" Tori yelled.

"Must've used most of it's energy turning Skye and Ella into stone!" I growled, "Tori! Help me out here!" I flew towards the giant once again. I braced myself and crashed straight into the center of the it, Tori's water giving me extra speed, while she shot the giant with waves of boiling hot water. 

The giant's torso now had a huge hole right in the middle of it. Rock were crumbling around the now-destroyed giant. It fell, and in that moment, I forgot that there was a cage with two fragile statues inside.

"Chris! The cage!" I heard Tori shriek.

I turned and saw the cage plummeting to the ground, I swooped down and caught it just as it was inches away from the ground. I wheezed as I softly set down the cage-of-rock-and-earth. 

"My magic's practically on empty..."  I thought as I flopped onto the ground, out of breath, "Everything's... going... dark..."  

"Chris!!" I heard Tori yell. I barely turned my head and I saw her running over, worried.

I shakily turned my head towards the cage, "...Safe...?" I hardly croaked out.

"Yeah, yeah, they're okay! But... my god! Chris you're hurt!" Tori said worriedly.

"I was hurt?"  I thought, "Oh yeah, I can't feel pain in my demon form."  I looked slightly down and saw a small pool of blood around my stomach where Tori was pressing something against it.

"Sight... blurry..." I thought, watching my vision spin, I thought I was going to vomit... and with that, I passed out, only slightly aware of Tori yelling my name.

{Tori's POV}

"Chris! Chris!" I yelled, his eyes were beginning to close, "Stay awake!!" I pressed my extra shirt against Chris' stomach where it was bleeding heavily, I noticed the wound extended to his leg.. His eyes shut and I instantly checked for a pulse and his breathing; they were both okay. I crawled over to a stone cliff-wall near his still-demon body.

My breath was now coming out in shuddering gasps. 

"Chris is out, and Ella and Skye are statues..."  I thought, grabbing my bloody, shaking hand, "It's j-just me..."  I turned back into my normal outfit.

I had somewhat patched up Chris' stomach and leg and I was now in front of the cage, I broke the cracking bars and heaved Ella and Skye's stone bodies out near Chris.

"Now... how to turn someone back from stone..." I thought, scratching the back of my head.

[Flashback... (Tori was 11-ish)]

"Awww...." I sighed, "There's no cool jobs..."

"How about this one?" Trevor said from behind me, "'Turn someone back from stone'. Sounds fun!"

"I don't know how to do that though..." I complained. 

"Meh... It's not that hard..." He said, "I think there's a book with the spell in it... Follow me."

We both walked into the archive and Trevor grabbed a dusty book. He blew off some dust and started flipping through the pages.

"Here you go!" He said, shoving the book in my face. It was opened to the 'Stone-Reversal' spell.

"I need to get going to a meeting, but, have fun with that spell!" Trevor said, going up the stairs, leaving me with the dusty, old book. I sighed and started to study the spell.

{Chris' POV}

As I drifted back into consciousness, I was met with a soft snore and I opened my eyes. I tried to get up and look around but immense pain shot through my stomach and my leg. I fell back down and decided to look around from where I lay. Skye and Ella were still stone, and Tori was... sleeping?!

I dragged myself over to where Tori was slumped over against a cliff wall, leaving a small trail of blood behind me.

"Oi... Wake up Tori." I said, poking her in the arm, "Wake. Up." Her eyes slowly opened and she turned to look at me. She screamed.

"Calm down Tori, it's me." I said, covering her screaming mouth.

"Chris? I thought you were still in your demon form!" Tori said, still shocked.

"My body was too damaged. That makes it go away quicker, remember?" I explained. She nodded, remembering.

I shifted my sitting position and winced, "Ow..." Tori looked over at me concernedly.

"Oh!" Tori said, remembering something, "I think I know how to turn them back from stone!"

"What...?" I asked, my mouth gaping.

"Yeah, well..." She stood up, "I remember a while back, I leaned a spell to turn people back from stone!"

"And. You're. Just. Remembering. This.  Now?!" I said, now ever-so-slightly pissed off.

"Ummm... Maybe?" She said, trying to hold back a laugh of embarrassment.

"Idiot...." I said, sighing, "Well, hurry up then." 

She did some weird steps and hand movements. Suddenly, after chanting some weird shit, a bright, blinding light shone from her hands. The light lingered for a few seconds and dimmed back down, I saw Tori standing in the same spot for a few seconds, she turned around and her face was frozen in... fear? 

"We are so dead..." I heard her whisper. I dragged myself over to her and saw that Ella and Skye were still stone!

"I thought you knew the spell!!" I yelled at her.

"I know I did!! It didn't freaking work you idiot!" She yelled back.

We argued like that for a minute or two when we heard a cracking sound. We turned towards where the sound came from, and saw a small crack on Ella's forehead.

"Shit!" We both screamed.

"Chris! Go get some glue!!" Tori yelled.

"We need to weld her shut!!" I yelled, my hands engulfed in flames.

As we were freaking out, the crack was growing bigger.  We heard another cracking sound and saw that there was now a crack in Skye's arm!!

"Hurry!!!" I yelled.

"Get some glue!!" Tori screamed.

The cracks in their stone bodies were growing bigger and bigger, and we were freaking out more and more. Suddenly, a cloud of dust exploded around their feet. When the dust-cloud settled, Skye and Ella were back to normal!!

"Thank god..." Chris and Tori sighed.

"What... Happened?" Skye asked, looking around.

So, it's been a while since I've written something! 

A little something (or two) to expect next chapter;

1) A new character

2)A bit of GMG (Grand Magic Games)

3)And a secret, evil something >:3

Leave a little star if you liek chapter!

Have a good day/night!!


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