Chapter 2 -- Meeting "Shikon Tail"

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{Skye's POV}

They watched with wide eyes as I withdrew my pale-gold wings.

The blonde one, Collin, regained his composure, "Amazing." He breathed, ignoring the hateful stares of the dispersing crowd, "You should drop by the guild sometime." He smiled and signaled the woman to follow him as he walked away. The woman gave me a smile as well and skipped after Collin.

"I can't believe the mayor actually allowed that dual-guild to be built at the edge of town." A nearby woman scoffed, "Filled to the brim with no good-"

"Hey." I said coldly, interrupting her. My eyes narrowed as I was about to say something else to her.

Calm down lovely.... this bitch isn't worth your time.

My cheeks grew hot as the crowd stared in anticipation for my next words. I exhaled loudly and decided to listen to the voice in my head. I extended my wings once again and prepared for takeoff.

"All bark and no bite..." A nearby man commented.

"Ruffians." The same woman from before stated.

I glared at her and shot into the sky, leaving the assholes on the ground as I watched them get smaller as I got higher.

I scanned the horizon, looking for a building that looked like it resembled a guild hall. I spotted a large building towards the more barren side of town, so I flew over to investigate.

The front of the building was sporting banners that bore the same crest on them that Collin and the woman that was with him had on their bodies.

I opened one of the large double doors. With what I was expecting to be a small number of mages, it turned out that the guild was packed.

"Hey!! I heard someone yell. I turned my head to the source of the sound to find Collin beaming at me. I looked around and then pointed to myself as to say 'Me?'. He nodded, so I wandered through the chaos to where he was, which was a bar.

"I guess I should properly introduce myself." He said as I got close, "I'm Collin Windfall. I happen to be a high-class member of the dual-guild Shikon Tail. Welcome!" He extended a hand to me.

I took it cautiously, "Skye Arialn." I said, "A no-guilded dual mage."

"No-guilded?" He repeated, "Why don't you join Shikon Tail? We are the only dual-guild that is known of in the continent."

"Really?" I asked, pulling my arm back.

He smiled, "Of course!"

"Are you sure?" I questioned, "You guys seem a little... crowded already..."

"Oh! It's no big deal! We're always welcome to new members!" He pulled a stamp from a drawer under the bar.

"That'd be great-" I said as a body slammed into my back, causing me to double over on the bar counter.

"Damnit Tori!!" The person said, straightening off of me, prepared to launch himself at the woman I saw with Collin at the bar in town.

"Hey!!" I yelled at him, "Say freaking sorry at least!"

He paused and turned to me, scanning me, ".....Who are you exactly?" He said coldly.

"Your new guildmate, Skye." Collin said, "Be nice."

"Hmph." He said, "Hey, welcome.... whatever." He turned around and launched himself back at 'Tori'.

"Who was that?" I asked Collin.

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