Chapter 22 -- To Hold The Hands Of Madness

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{Skye's POV}

I ran, as fast as my feet could carry me, to where I had heard Julia scream.

I crashed through a door, and saw him. Chris, or should I say Demon-Chris, stood before a frightened scientist, and a scared Julia. Tori and OOna were knocked out with a in-trance Venn stood close to them.

"Chris!" I yelled, catching his attention. He turned towards me, and I flinched back. His mouth and jaw were drenched with blood, and there was a hungry look in his dark red eyes.

"C-Chris..." I said again, moving closer.

"Skye!" Julia yelled at me, "He's lost it! Don't get closer!"

I stepped closer, not listening to Julia's frantic warnings. I grabbed his arm, he looked at me, confused.

He grabbed the same arm, and looked at me with soft eyes.

"Chris?" I asked again, hopeful.

His eyes narrowed evilly, and he plunged his claws deep into my skin. My breath quickened in fear as I saw blood, rushing out of my body. I had already lost so much of it with the battle against Glitch, and I was starting to feel a little whoozy.

His other hand, grabbed my shoulder and he moved his head closer to my ear.

"You know..." He whispered in his deep, gravelly voice, "You remind me of someone I once killed. It was such a long time ago..." His claws started to cut into my right shoulder blade, "They were... delicious." His claws started to tear down my back, slowly, "Will you help me remember?"

His fanged mouth started to move to my throat; all the while, my vision was swirling and was growing darker.

I felt his teeth start to bite down.

Then, I heard a boom and next thing I knew, I was laying against the marble flooring, blood starting to pool around me.

My eyes strained to focus on the light. I gasped for air as my mind spun once again as I struggled to stay conscious.

The darkness was closing in on me, and I couldn't stay awake any longer.

{Julia's POV}

I had managed to separate Skye and Chris, with a bolt of lightning however. Skye was K'Oed against the floor and the scientist was using Venn as a shield.

"Protect me!" The coward said. Venn raised his arm and ran at Chris. Venn threw a dazed punch at him and he easily dodged it. Chris grabbed Venn's arm with a smirk on his face. He punched Venn's stomach. Hard. Venn flew yards into the air, he still had that dazed expression on his face. He fell down, right into Chris' leg! Venn flew into a wall from the impact of Chris' kick.

"Revenge, bitch." I heard Chris say to him. His voice was lower and gravelly.

He quickly moved over to Venn, who seemed to be coming out of the trance now. Blood was running down his chin and out of his nose.There was also a good amount of blood splattered on the wall above him. Chris raised his clawed hand, ready to kill Venn.

"Don't hurt him!" Me and the coward screamed at Chris.

He turned, a hungry look in his blood-red eyes. He smiled evilly and walked over to the coward. He flinched back as Chris planted his hands on his shoulders.

"Don't you smell... delicious." Chris said, running a claw along his jawline.

"Chris! What are you talking about?" I yelled at him.

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