Chapter 12 -- The Rival, The Games

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{Skye's POV}

"What... happened?" I asked, looking around at the now destroyed landscape.

"Looks like the monster was destroyed this area..." Ella said, dusting off her arms.

"So then..." Tori said, "What now? Do you we need to report back to the client or... what?"

"Nah..." Ella said, "We can go back now."

"What about getting our reward?" Chris asked, confused.

"You already got it." She smiled.

We all looked at her, so very confused.

"Okay..." She sighed, "I was the one behind the monster!" She smiled innocently, "It was to see you two," She pointed to Chris and Tori, "Work together!"

We all looked at her with faces mixed with shock, confuse, and pure anger. Whilst she was smiling as if she was an angel.

"I was turned to stone and was drained of my powers... for that?!?!" I said furiously, taking a threatening step closer.

"Yes?" She said nervously.

We all stood there for a few moments, I could feel the anger in the air, seeming to swirl around the three of us.

"I'm... suddenly done with... the rainforest..." Tori said.

"Right behind you..." Chris said, starting after her.

"Ditto..." I said following the both of them.

"O-okay!! I agree! Let's get back to the guild!" Ella said, bubbly again, she bounced after us.

[Meanwhile with Julia and Kaylee...]

{Julia's POV}

"Can we get back soon?" Kaylee said, crossing her arms as if she was cold, "The fog here is... unsettling..."

"We can leave whenever we want to." I told her looking at a map, attempting to figure it out, "As soon as we find a train station."

We passed a rather p'od looking man as he muttered something under his breath, "Damn duo mage. Made me waste my mon-"

Something in my mindset clicked and before I knew it, I was pressing him against a wall by his trench-coat's collar. I had no idea why I was so angry. I pulled him back and slammed him against the wall. I pulled one of my hands back and curled it into a fist, ready to punch him.

"Julia!" Kaylee said sternly, grabbing my arm, "Let the man go..."

I didn't, "Don't talk about duo mages like that!" My hand was now enveloped in lightning, "Where is this duo mage?! Talk you lowlife!"

He shakily pointed to the left, never taking his terrified eyes off of mine. I dropped him to the ground, and he instantly curled into the fetal position, attempting to protect himself from any future damage.

I took a deep breath and smoothed out my hair a bit. I walked over to where the man pointed over to. It led Kaylee and I over to a strange office and saw a guy with green hair, a torn-up leather jacket, dirty jeans, and shoes that were falling apart. He was laying on his back with a hat over his face to cover his eyes.

I suddenly noticed a sight next to him that said, 'Will perform magic for Jewel' with an arrow pointing into a box that had a few hundred Jewel in the box. I grabbed 100J out of my back pocket and dropped it into his box. Without sitting up, he turned his head and spit a glob of poison at a nearby newspaper.

"He doesn't seem like a duo mage." I thought as I motioned Kaylee over. I dropped another 100J in the box and the guy transformed into a snake. He transformed back and sat up, looking away.

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