Special Chapter -- Glitch and Venn's Backstory

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{Glitch's POV}

"You really don't remember, do you?" I asked.

"Remember what?" He responded.

I sighed, "No, I guessed you wouldn't..."

[Flashback... < 3 Years Ago, at the Old Facility >]

"Wake up..." A scientist's muffled voice said, "We have someone new."

I blinked awake and saw two blurry people through the frosty glass. The scientist unhooks me and I step out with my bare feet touching the ground. I look up to see a guy, with green, shaggy hair for some reason.

"This is Venomous Vorpent," we gestured to the boy next to him,"He's going to be helping us with you."

"Really?" I never get to see new subjects and it was kinda strange seeing one around my age. Kinda cute actually.

"Yes, he has the ability to transform, so, we're going to try and program some in," the scientist explained.

Venomous opened his mouth as to say something then shut it.

"Something you want to say?" The scientist asks him.


"Alright, how about we go take a test shall we?" The scientist handcuffs me before I can run away.

Venomous looks at me with slight concern.

We all start walking, he could probably sense how nervous I was once I saw we we're going into Lab #13.

I hate that lab, the transfers get painful.

He goes off with Venomous while I'm brought in, not in the transfer station yet.

After waiting, I see a snake come in with the scientist. I jumped naturally.

"Now we are going to transfer the ability to change skin quality, and create a more relatable code with Glitch."

The snake looks up, puzzled.

"Transform back then change a patch or all of your skin to resemble a snake with smoother scales."

The snake nods than in a freakish turn of events, turns back into normal Venomous then develops smooth bright green scales all over his right arm.

"Is this okay?" Venomous lifts his arm to the scientist; he nods with enthusiasm.

Two other scientists hook him up to a completely separate machine.

"Are you going to draw my blood or something?" Venomous asks with worry.

"We will have to buy we can give you a numbing solution if you'd like." Venomous nods and they rub something on his wrist's underside.

"Begin." He said to another scientist. He pushed a few buttons and the machines started up.

Blood could be seen in the tubes as it is transfered from from his wrist into a small holding vat. After about 30 seconds, the scientist shuts it off and wheels in a small cart with the instruments of death.

Venomous looks at them with terror. The scientist gives him a warm smiles then holds his hand.

He takes the scalpal and slices off a scale from his hand. Venomous flinches.

"Hook her up." The scientist says.

I'm then grabbed and chained to the machine. The scientist has the scale in a petri dish and a clean petri dish as well. He grabs a clean scalpal and slices off a peice skin from my arm. I yelp in surprise.

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