Chapter 35 -- Soon To Be

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{Chris' POV}

Skye and I re-entered the cave. From the once long-empty cave, in its place was a seemingly endless drop with a few floating rocks.

"So, what?" I heard Skye say, "We just fly across? Easy!"

Hey asshat.

"What do you want?" I muttered out loud. Skye looked at me.

We have a problem... I can't open my wings for you.

I laughed a bit. So you're actually trying to help me now?

Shut up. I just want this to be done and over with.

"Chris." Skye said, catching my attention, "I-I can't open my wings."

See? Little angel's having trouble as well.

"Shut up Akuma." I told him. Skye giggled a bit.

I sighed, racking my brain for any way to get past this.

{Skye's POV}

Oh, come ON sweetheart. This is so easy.

"How so?" I asked, making Chris turn towards me.

You let me take over, and we float. Simple.

"But what about Chris?" I asked.

"What about me?" I shot him a quick glare.

He holds your hand or he lets his annoying demon take over for a bit.

"End has an idea." I told him.

"She does?" He responded.

"Let Akuma take over and End'll tell it to him." I instructed.

He looked annoyed, "Ugh..."

Boys are so annoying...

"Just let him take over." I said, somewhat annoyed.

He sighed in annoyance and closed his eyes, when he reopened them, they were blood red and demonic.

"You're up." I whispered as I felt her take over.

Her markings appeared, I felt my teeth sharpen, and my control weakened.

I saw Chris now had demonic horns, his dragon-like wings appeared and his teeth sharpened into fangs.

"Alright." His gravelly voice said, "What is this great plan of yours?"

"So clearly," End started, "Aera magic doesn't work for this part..."


"Shut up."


"So, I can float across. From rock-to-rock actually."

"Oh, can you?"

I felt annoyance circle around her, "Yes." She practically growled, "How far can you fly?"

"Listen babe."

"Don't call me that."

"Listen End." He said, smirking slightly, "I could fly around this entire continent if it weren't for this idiot's small magic capacity." He paused, "Yes you do, I would know."

"Then I'll meet you on the other side." I felt her stand up and start exerting magic power. My body floated off the ground and started over to the first rock. We reached it and turned. We watched Akuma jump and start flying, however, after a few seconds, he seemed to be struggling. About a foot or so away from the rock, he dropped. His arm flung onto the rock and his claws dug into the hard surface as they struggled to get up.

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