Chapter 3 -- First Job~Part 1

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{Skye's POV}

"Alright." Kaylee said, "Where's this job?"

    "Quite a ways away, it says..." Tori said looking at the flyer, "Just outside Kinugi?"

    "Is that a far ways away?" I asked her, hoping not to get on a dreaded train.

    "Hmmm..." She tapped her chin, in thought, "Maybe a day's train ride away."

I sighed silently so she wouldn't hear me.

We walked out the guild and started towards the train station, "Why do we have to get on a train?" I thought as we slowly made our way to the station.

{15 minutes later...}

    "Ugh..." I moaned pathetically, "This is why I usually fly to jobs..."

Chris and OOna were laughing their butts off while I felt like I was about to lose my lunch.

    "Stop it you two!!" Kaylee kept telling them,"That's rude!"

Tori and Julia rolled their eyes like it was the most immature thing in the world.

    "Skye? Come over here for a sec..." I traded seats with Tori.

All of a sudden, Julia socked me in the gut and I flopped onto the seat like a dead fish. I just lay there and it now felt like the life was just punched out of me.

    "So, uh, newbie, you get motion sickness?" Tori asked, trying to be sympathetic.

    "What... do... you... think...?" I managed. Chris and OOna were still laughing their asses off. I wanted to punch the daylights right out of them.

    "Well... we still probably have another half a day until we get there..." Jay said, tapping her chin in thought, "You mentioned you could fly, can you fly and meet us there?"
Sure, my magic's gotten better, in the last six years, I might  be able to fly there before the sun went down, it was worth a try anyway.

    "" I croaked.

    "Well, lucky for you, there is a train station not far from here. We'll probably stop in about, hmm, five minutes." Kaylee said.

    "Damn it!!" Chris suddenly grumped, "So we won't have anymore entertainment?" He and OOna burst out laughing again, "Who knew the newbie would so motionsick!!" She giggled.

    "I would kill them... -URP-  if i could!" I croaked out, nonthreatingly.

    "That's a major if  newbie!!" Chris laughed.

The train stopped and I practically jumped out, "Ground!!" I exclaimed happily.

The rest of them came out and Chris and OOna were still laughing like hyenas. Tori and Julia both gave each other annoyed looks and elbowed each of them in the stomach. Hard.  They both passed out and Julia and Tori each grabbed on of their arms and slung it over their shoulder so they could still carry them.

    "I think there's an inn not far from the train station." Kaylee said enthusiastically.

This place happened to be very  unlucky for me. The only train station that was between Shirotsume and Kinugi that happened to be on the tracks was Magnolia!!!  This just happened to be where Fairy Tail was. "Great!"  I thought unenthusiastically. I twould probably be just my luck if I happened to run into any Fairy Tail members.

    "Um, can I go look around? I'll meet you guys back at the inn later..." I told them.

    "Sure, just remember, we're staying in Fairy Inn. I heard it's in the honor of the guild, here, Fairy Tail, was it?" Jay said. Tori nodded.

    "'Kay, see you later!" I told them as I extended my wings, happy to see their familiar golden glow, and took off.

"Fairy Tail, Fairy Tail, Where art thou Fairy Tail."  I thought as I flew over the city of Magnolia. I spotted Twilight Ogre, the guild that harassed Fairy Tail when I was still with them.

Suddenly I spotted something that made me tear up a bit. I could recognize  that pink hair from a mile away. The Tenrou Team! They were right outside the guild hall. My entire body urged to go see them again, but then I remembered, I wasn't part of Fairy Tail!! "What would they do?!"  I thought, "Should I still go down to them?" I had no idea what to do. I decided against it, I flew away, tears into my eyes.

It was much later that night when I finally made it back to the rest of them.

    "Are you okay?" Jay asked, concerned. I nodded, turning away.

I could understand, though, why she asked that. I had come through the balcony, my face red and tear-streaked. I went to the bathroom and changed into my pj's that I had packed in my backpack. I came out wearing a purple tank top and black running shorts, with my hair in a ponytail. I climbed into the bed I happened to be sharing with Kaylee. Julia and Tori shared a bed, OOna got her own and Chris got his own. It happened to be a connecting room so we got four beds.

"Hopefully," I thought, sadly, "I'll won't see Fairy Tail tomorrow..."

Emotional at the end? CHECK.

Again, for people who had forgotten, Skye gets motion sick (like Natsu).

I wrote this chapter watching the Yogscast so I wouldn't get distracted (*wink,wink*)                 (Other Youtube groups are available, just aren't as good >:D)

Note: Edited on 1/12/2017

This entire chapter was 1033 + Author's Note words... YEESH


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