Chapter 38 -- An Odd Job

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{Venn's POV}

Chris was still parading around like a king. It has been three DAYS since the parade and he still hasn't come off of it. I sighed as Skye slid onto the bench next to me.

"He still doing the thing?" She asked.

"Yep." I responded tiredly. She giggled.

"I just got back," Skye said, stretching, "End's being a real pain nowadays... she's been giving me quite the headache."

I turned to look at her, she looked more tired than I did, "How about some food?" I asked. She perked up, ecstatic.

As we both got up, I noticed that someone was looking through the upstairs library. I tasted the air, and picked up her scent.

"What's Tori doing up there?" I muttered.

"What?" Skye asked.

I laughed a bit, "Oh.. nothing..." She shrugged and continued onward towards the bar. I watched my friend sit down and order, then turned to see Chris still prancing around the guild.


I turned back and went over to sit next to Skye. As I sat down, she started rambling about her job.


I stood at the job board, looking for something to do. I noticed a piece of paper towards the bottom. It looked fake.

I took the paper off of the board and just as I started reading it, a hand suddenly snatched the paper from me!

"Hey!" I yelled, spinning to face the person. It was Chris. Brilliant.

"You do realize that this is a fake job, right?" He smirked, looking like he was trying not to laugh.

"Yes, I do," I growled, "I was just looking at it. Just... give it back." I'm too tired for this.

"And if I don't?" He taunted.

"Listen, just because you're High-Class now, doesn't mean that you have to act like a dick." I retorted, "What would Skye think?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You would know, wouldn't you?" He took a step towards me, trying to appear threatening.

"Come on," I said, annoyed, "Get out of my face." I pushed him back a bit.

Before he could do anything, Tori stepped in between us.

"Oh! You guys saw my flyer!" She exclaimed, she suddenly took us both by our wrists and started to drag us to the steps leading to the library, "You can help me!"

She released us as we got up the stairs.

"What's this for Tori?!" Chris demanded.

"I need two people to test a spell out for me!" She pulled a book from a shelf and started flipping through it.

"I see why you wanted the newest High-Class," Chris beamed, "But why do you want him too?"

I glared at him.

"I need two people Chris," She said, "Two. Dos. Duex. I can't cast the spell on myself. Besides, you two really are one of the best pairs I can test this on."

We continued to glare at one another.

"Here it is!" She exclaimed, "Okay. Okay. Face each other!"

As we turned, she started to whisper something. Glowing words seemed to emerge from the book, circling Chris and I. I suddenly felt my head start to pound, my vision was swirling. I slammed my hands on the table between Chris and I to keep my balance. Chris seemed to sway and fall to his knees.

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