Chapter 5-- First Job~Part 2

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I woke up the latest, surprisingly, and got ready. I put on a blue plaid shirt, jean shorts, and my boots. I also took my hair out of my ponytail.

They were waiting for me down in the restaurant, wolfing down breakfast. People were staring at them, so, I tried to avoid them.

"Yo! Morning newbie!!" Chris called from his seat, waving, "Come get some chow!"

I shivered when he said that, I was kind of embarrassed... okay, REALLY embarrassed...

I uneasily sat down, aware of everyone  but my oblivious comrades staring at us.

"So, Skye, what do you want for breakfast?" Jay asked, "Don't worry, it's all on me!"

"Nah... I'm not hungry." I told her, reassuringly.

Unluckily for me, the only other chair happened to be next to Chris  of all people, also known as the guy who was sending food flying everywhere!!  I mean they were all flying food everywhere, but he was doing it the worst.

"Now I'm definitely not  hungry..." I mumbled under my breath, whilst shielding my face from food.

"What?" Chris said, his mouth full. I made a disgusted face, and got up.

"I'll meet you guys at the train station, m'kay?" I told them, getting up.

"You sure you're not hungry Skye?" Jay asked.

"Positive!" I reassured her, starting out the restaurant.

"Sweet! More for us!" I heard Tori shout as she shoveled in more  pancakes.

I sighed loudly and continued down to the train station, and who else would I see but  Natsu, Lucy and Happy getting on a train.

 "They still look like they did the day they left for the S-Class trials"  I thought sadly.

I sighed and sat on a bench. The least I could was see off the rest of them.

{20 minutes later...}

"Finally!! Sheesh! How much food did you guys even order?!" I teased them as they approached me.

"I'll tell you this much," Kaylee said, smiling, "I bet you we made a pretty big dent out of Julia's wallet!"

Jay looked at her wallet sadly and said, much more evil like, "At least Chris will be paying for the train ride!"

"I will?!" He said, shocked, "I have such little money..." he whimpered at the end.

We all laughed and they got their tickets.

"I'll meet you guys there, okay?" I told them. OOna and Chris slumped over in disappointment.

"So we won't  have any entertainment?" He said disappointingly.

Tori got an extremely annoyed look and punched Chris so hard he hit a wall. (Imagine it)

"Okay, okay, I get the jest..." He said walking back over.

"'Kay, see you then." I said, extending my wings and flying out of the train station.

Let me be the first to tell you, flying through the air on magic  wings is always exhilarating. The air gathering under your feathers like air gathers behind sails.  

I smiled with happiness as I flew to Kinugi, the wind whipping through my hair, and streaming through my feathers.

{Around Lunch Time...}

 "Why did it take so long to get to Onibus?"  I thought as I landed down near the center of town, fully aware of eyes staring at me, "Now, where's a restaurant?"

I wondered around town until I came to a restaurant called 8island.

"Isn't this restaurant owned by Mr. Yajima?" I muttered as I walked in.

I walked in and found myself a table. I grabbed a menu and Mr. Yajima walked up to me.

"Well, hello there, Skye, wasn't it?" He said happily, "It's been so long since I've seen a Fairy Tail member! How's Mokarov?"

"I, uh..." Tears sprung into my eyes, "I'm not a Fairy Tail member anymore... but I can assure you the Tenrou group is back..."

"Ah, I see..." He said, understandingly, "Have you found yourself a new guild?"

"Yeah..." I told him showing him my Shikon Tail mark, "Shikon Tail!"

"Yes, very nice!" He said happily, "Now, then, can I take your order?"

I gave him my order and just about five minutes later my food came out, I wolfed it down quickly, thanked him and got up.

"Oh, and Mr. Yajima?" I told him before I left, "If you need work, don't hesitate to call on Shikon Tail!"

"I'll take you up on that offer, Skye!" He smiled as I left.

I stepped out the door, unfurled my wings, and took off.

"I better get to Kiguni before the sun starts to set..." I muttered to myself while I ascended.


I was waiting outside the train station, waiting on the rest of them.

"Where are they?" I muttered as the next train pulled in.

A bit later each one of them came out, Chris, Tori, and OOna looking extremely bored.

"Holy hellfire... that was sooooo boring..." Chris sighed in exasperation.

"I know..." OOna said sleepily.

"At least I had someone to talk to on the other ride..." Tori muttered.

I was attempting  not to laugh my butt off, but I could be seen grinning, practically ear to ear.

"Okay, okay... SHEESH!! I get it!!" Chris said angrily.

"Okay people!" Jay said, "We'll get some sleep first, OR, attack the guild by night. What sounds good to you guys?"

Chris, Tori, Kaylee and I all voted to go by night, and OOna and Jay wanted to go tomorrow morning.

"I guess that's  decided then!" Kaylee exclaimed, "We're going tonight!"

We all nodded and headed to the hotel to wait for night.

That took me two days... Stupid school...

OH! And if you see a bolded bit of words in the story, that's me saying something that can't wait for the Author's Note.

FWI My usual setup for writing these things usually consists of Hot Cocoa, and my computer screen half YouTube and half WattPad.

So yea... not much for this note!



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