Chapter 17 -- The Subject Named Skye

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{Skye's POV}

My eyes flew open and I jolted into a sitting position. My head was killing me.

"Where am I?" I muttered as I looked around, I was in a small, pure white room with a light blue see-through wall.

I looked down and realized that I was in different clothing! My shirt was blue, going down to black with the shoulders cut out. It was the same color scheme for the shorts.

"Ah, so your awake." A muffled voice said. I turned towards the see-through wall and saw a man in a long white coat.

Shivers flew up my spine, "W-where am I? Who are you?" I demanded.

"I am nothing but a simple scientist, and you are at our facility. Now, you are nothing but a subject, so pipe down." He responded.

"Okay, what am I in then?" I asked, trying to get as much information from him as I could.

"Clearly you are in a cell, this," He knocked the see-through wall, "Is a force field, it is what keeps all our subjects in custody."

"You mean, other wizards?!" I asked, in shock and fear.

"Precisely!" He screamed crazily, I flinched back.

I pulled my arm back and tried to punch the wall with my magic.

"Ah, ah, ah." The scientist said, "I wouldn't try that if I were you!"

"Likewise, bastard!!" I yelled, punching the wall. I was shocked to see none of my usual angelic light.

"You see?" He said, "This entire place is made out of a magic-nullifying metal that we modified. You won't be able to use magic here!" He smiled evilly, "However... if you do use magic..."

I felt a shock, like Julia's lightning, run through my body, burning my limbs. I dropped to the ground, gasping for air.

"That is the punishment."

{Glitch's POV}

I awoke on the bed. My head was killing me, but, I got up and stumbled to the bathroom. I attempted to pull a comb through her blonde hair. It was slightly messier than it usually was but I couldn't care.

I stumbled through the halls of the girl's dormitory and over to the guild hall.

I walked through the giant doors and greeted the group of five sitting at a table.

I yawned, "Morning guys..."

"More like afternoon our hungover friend!" Julia laughed.

"Have fun with yourself?" Venn muttered.

"What are you mumbling about?" I ask jokingly.

"I haven't been here on my ass all day believe it or not." He said.

"What?" I laugh.

"He's hungover." Julia chuckled.

I shrug dismissively and get some water, I chug it down quickly.

What the hell am I going to do today?

Chris came crashing into the room with a jet of water from Tori.

Lose more brain cells I guess...

A thick cloud of mist covered the guild leaving Chris dumbfounded when I quickly cleared with a quick beat of 'my' wings.

He fumbled though tables, bumping into people and chairs. He ran up to me,"Where'd she go?!"

I point down the hall. I quickly remember she didn't point the way I did, so I quickly changed it.

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