Chapter 33 - It's All About Logic

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{Julia's POV}

Venn and I must've gotten it easy. We were walking through a long tunnel with multi-colored, glowing jewels with a light at the end. We were almost to the light. I noticed two shadows move in front of the cave.

"Hello?" I called, the shadows jumped, then shifted into a defensive stance.

"Julia?" A voice called, I instantly recognized it as Skye's voice, "Venn?"

"Yeah! It's us!" I called back.

Venn grabbed my arm, "Light." He whispered cautiously, "We may be fighting them, we're still in this 'Strenth' portion, aren't we?"

"Maybe they're in the next round." I whispered back, "That may be where the cave leads."

"Whatever." He said, "Stay on guard."

I did so. As we cautiously approached the end of the tunnel, and as we exited the cave, the bright sunlight of the island greeted us. I shielded my eyes against the sunlight as Venn and I greeted Skye and Chris. About a minute later, Tori and OOna came out of their own cave with assorted wounds.

They looked at both Venn and I and Skye and Chris.

"How the hell don't you guys don't have any battle wounds?!" Tori shouted.

"We must've gotten lucky." Chris said tauntingly. Tori flicked his nose.

Before an argument broke out between the two, a golden projection of Trevor, Collin, Kaylee and Ella appeared between two large boulders.

"Hello survivors!" Ella said cheerily.

Trevor, Collin and Kaylee sighed.

"Oh come on Ella." Kaylee said, "Two of the teams didn't even fight anyone!"

Everybody glanced at each other, then back at the projection to see Collin and Trevor facepalm.

"Anyways..." Trevor said, clearing his throat, "Welcome to the LOGIC portion of the trials. In this part, each team will go along different paths to clear obstacles, whether they be emotional obstacles, mental obstacles, or physical obstacles."

"Whoever ends up at the cave, will face Trevor and I in a battle to see if you are worthy to become High-Class." Collin said, "

"So do we just turn back around?" OOna says with scepticism.

"Exactly," Trevor says with a nod,"As soon as you step foot back in the cave, you will be locked and left to your own minds."

He nods to Ella,"Have fun everyone!" Ella says as the hologram disappears.

"Shall we?" Venn says. I nod.

We then walk into the tunnel where a rock wall then rises up and blocks the entrance.

We walk a bit, looking for any clues.

"Okay, what are you doing?" I ask, a bit annoyed as I noticed Venn primarily breathing through his mouth.

"Tasting," he responds,"I can taste certain particles in the air and you never know what there might be."

I grunt in understanding.

We turn a corner and see a lake with a crystal like sheen and cavernous hole leading ever down.

"Well?" I ask, turning to Venn.

"Nothing suspicious, just earthy." He replies as he peers down into the water.

"It looks like it goes beyond our eye sight."

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