Chapter 31 -- The Trials

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{Skye's POV}

I sighed in relief. I was finally able to relax on something that was moving!

Turns out Chris was right about Tori's 'Healing Water' thing. The only problem is that she can only use it for a certain amount of times on a person before the effects wear off.

The only problem I was facing was that it was hotter than hell and I was sweating an ocean. Then again, so was everybody else. It was like, the second we get on the boat, the heat intensified.

The only three who seemed fine were Ella, Kaylee and Venn.

I turn to Chris who was just plain miserable.

"You don't look happy," I say with a bit of exhausted effort.

He grunts in response,"How the hell are they not feeling heat?"

He nods toward Ella, Kaylee, and Venn who were conversing amongst themselves with enthusiasm.

I saunter over,"How are you gu-"

"Not burning to death?" Ella cuts me off.
I nod slightly. Ella looks at Kaylee,

"I'm not a big wuss."

Nods to Ella,

"I'm an elemental mage."

Nods to Venn,


"Yeah and I hate you for that," Julia says not far away. Venn chuckles slightly.

"Anyway," I say, looking at the horizon,"Are we almost there?"

"I think," Ella responds, repeating my question to Colin who was navigating.

"Almost there!" Colin says with excitement, trying to ignore the heat.

After a while, we land and I collapse on the sand of the beach, along with Tori, and Tirukana makes a dramatic belly-flop onto the sand.

Then I realized I was sweaty.

I hopped up, brushing the massive amount of sand that now covered the front of my body. I noticed Tori and Tirukana doing the same.

"Little sweaty, aren't we love?" Akuma's voice greeted me.

"Shut up." I replied.

He laughed a bit, "Jeez, you're clearly not in the mood." Chris' voice said.

"Yes, clearly..." I said, annoyed.

Colin clears his throat, "Anyway." He nods to Trevor, "Take it away."

Trevor raises his chin,"I assume you all are dying to know what we're doing here."

Colin pulls up something using his Archive magic, it was a map of the island with colored sections and labels I couldn't read from a distance.

"You will all have three trials to complete testing your bravery, strength, and logic. These will not be in order and some almost everyone will have different tasks. Don't expect to kill a bunch of monsters," Trevor says, looking at Chris,"expect an unexpected variety."

"Colin," he says nodding to his friend,"will you do the honors?"

Then all the sudden I collapsed into the sand.

[A While Later...]

{Tori's POV}

I woke up with my vision wavering.

OOna woke up to and she looked about as confused as I was.


A distant voice exaggerated while it stood up.

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