The Chasm

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Zhongli pov:

When I walked inside her shrine, I saw a table in the middle of the room.

I slightly gasped as I saw what laid on top of the table.

A fox laid there. Y/n.

Her fur was perfectly cleaned and from a distance it would look as if she was just taking a nap.

"I had my suspicions." I said.

"Obviously." Yae said and walked past me to the table.

"Some people might find it cruel to revive a person from the death. However, I don't mind being called cruel at all. My sister revived herself a long time ago, but she needs some help from the real world this time." Yae explained.

"I see. That is why you have the electro archon's gnosis as well?" I asked and looked at the gnosis next to her.

She smirked and turned to me, looking straight at me. "My sisters body has an empty space right now, a place where this," she held her hand up and I saw the core that Aether got back from the balladeer. "This thing is supposed to keep my sister alive, however now that it's been ripped out, she's permanently dead. But, what do you think will happen when you fill that empty space in her body with... this," she held up the gnosis from the electro archon.

Her plan did catch my interest.

"It's a small chance, but maybe..." I said and started thinking about it.

Could Y/n be brought back alive if we placed the gnosis inside her body?


3rd pov,
With Xiao

After not long of being down in The chasm, Xiao was quick to realize something was wrong.

The entrance he entered through had disappeared and he was trapped in the cave.

He had no other choice than to continue downwards, which was exactly what he did.


Aether pov:

We found Yanfei, and indeed Itto was the one she had tried to avoid.

She called his outfit weird though.

Yanfei told us she was looking for a 'will'.

Another woman appeared not long after we met Yanfei.
She introduced herself as Yelan.

Apparently they knew eachother.
Maybe they work together?

Yanfei said Yelan work in the Ministry Of Civil Affairs.

Yelan said she'd like to join us at first but then said she had other business to take care of.

Wonder what that is...

However Yanfei really wanted Yelan to join us.
"Aww, come on, I really wanted to ask for your assistance in this, come on for old times sake?" Yanfei asked or more, begged, her to join us.

Put the pieces back: Sequel (Xiao x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now