Yanfeis theory

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Y/n pov:

It was Yanfeis turn to open the door.
Even I was curious at to what she could be scared of, I had known her for many years.

When she opened the door and walked inside, there was a normal room there.

Two people inside were discussing a sales problem...

Yanfei flinched and walked outside.

"Huh, a civil dispute, didn't se that coming..." She said, I chuckled a little.

"Anyone else want to try?" Yanfei said.

Yelan was quick to answer, "Don't look at me."

"C'mon Yelan, we're a team here! If you're not gonna try, at least give us a reason!" Itto complained.

Don't you dare talk back to my student.

I walked in front of Yelan, and gave a convincing reason. "She works for Ningguang, Tianquan of the Qixing. She holds some of the biggest secrets in Liyue. I hope you're perfectly aware that if she were to open that door, there could be no witnesses alive." I explained.

Yelan smirked and chuckled, "Is a that a good enough reason for you?" She said.

Itto definitely didn't understand it, but pretended to. He didn't know who Ningguang was either.

Me and Yelan gave eachother a small high five.

"Yes, Yelan works for Ningguang which is why I tried holding her secret." Yanfei said.

"What about you traveler? Want to try open the door?" Yanfei asked.

Aether had been kind of silent. I looked at him.

"If you don't want to, you don't have to." I reassured him, making sure he didn't think we were forcing him.

"I think we should give it a shot, maybe little dude is waiting inside." Itto said.

I didn't like that Itto used Xiao as an excuse.
I slapped Itto on the arm and he flinched and looked away in slight shame.

Aether sighed and walked up to the door. "I'm always looking for someone." He whispered.

The other didn't hear him, but my ears definitely picked it up.

As he opened the door...

It was a room that looked like the galaxy, but to be more precise, it was an abyss.

Even my eyes widened.

Everyone was confused.

Aether walked inside, and then... the door closed, locking him here.

"Aether!" I yelled.

"Oh no!" Paimon yelled.

Itto ran up to the door and tried opening it, but it didn't work.

Then we heard a splash in the water behind us.

We turned around and saw Aether swimming from the pond.

Put the pieces back: Sequel (Xiao x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now