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47 hours.

47, and a half hours, to be specific.

Olive could actually count the damn stains on the ceiling of her room, and most likely tell you where each and every one of them came from.

Not that she made any new ones by flinging day old banana pudding or steamed chicken at the roof with a spoon or anything.

She just...knew.

It has really been a long time, hasn't it?

Everything is pouring out to her now. She wasted her time. She wasted almost every opportunity to explore her suspicions and doubts, and now, it's all coming down. She eyed that calendar like no tomorrow, glaring at it, as if it were going to grow legs and kick her in the face. 

It technically does, since it's the closest thing she sees and wakes up to, on Popee's desk. The faint radio playing a song with a repeated chorus, "I feel dumb..." keeps repeating, as if mocking her. 

This is torture. 

She pushed off the covers, upset. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Doctor Popee, and she could only watch as his face nastily merged down into his younger self, despite there not being much difference. Was it really that obvious??

She could only wait for him to inevitably get here.


Marifa paced back and forth in her wonderfully classy lobby. Dressed in robes, and her hair in frantic curlers, she couldn't help but scowl and curse.

"That girl....."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Wait for things to just magically fall apart between them?"

She rubbed her temples, stressed.

She really didn't like that girl.

Sitting on a couch by a window, one of her personal service assistants poured her a glass of water.

Being a well-known dancer and artist did get you that dough, after all. She might as well use it.

            Unfortunately, the window she sat by was beside a small walltable with a picture of her and Popee on it, an awkward one, but they still smiled in it. She glared at it, throwing the glass at it, fuming. It was never revealed to the public throughout her career, but God, was she quite the spoiled child. Her career was basically built on Mami's constant bragging and showing off of the child, with phrases like "Yes, your child is good and all, but have you heard about my special little girl did just last week?"

                  Marifa didn't know that, though. To her, her lifestyle was built on nothing but the excruciating sweat from her wretched ballet shoes and multiple trophies and medals, proving her dedication. But if just one of those medals or ribbons were missing a spot of polish, gods forbid you were in the same room as her when she found out. The media loved to portray Popee as the violent and aggressive one, when in reality, it was the opposite. There was nothing...malicious or devilish about her. It's just that, when Marifa Paraphone has a stunning goal and/or aspiration in mind for herself, she does whatever it takes to achieve it. 

                  That exact same line of thinking slowly faded from her brain , an expression of realization appearing on her face, as she stared at the hospital from the great distance. She wanted to believe she could see Olive in that damn "4E" room, sitting there like an idiot. But her eyesight wasn't that good.

Silent Affection: A Future Popee x [OC] ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now