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After Kedamono took forever to eat a chunk of bread, Olive made the action of sighing and clutched the bag again. The rain was pouring down more heavily.

They were still at the entrance of the town, it was mid morning, having woke up about an hour ago.

Despite this, Olive yawned. Then, that yawning turned into a series of coughs. She could no longer hold them back and her stomach hurt. But she refused to do anything and instead focus on Kedamono.

She helped him get up and had to sturdy herself as well. She walked outside with Kedamono leaning on her and tried to hurry quickly to a nearby the roof of a next building. She leaned Kedamono against on the poles of it and stumbled to a window of that same building. Why did it interest her? 

It had a map of the town on display. If Olive had a method of capturing pictures,she would have sure used it by now. Her finger dragged down the map, trying to find a place of medical assistance. Her eyes squinted at the small text next to a large red plus sign.  

Tokora Avenue. 

The nearest hospital was at Tokora Avenue. 

Her eyes truged back to the "YOU ARE HERE" sign and tracked it back to the plus sign.

It seemed to be a decent amount of streets, Olive had thought.

She tried her hardest to memorize the route, which consisted of little rights and lefts and ran back to the wolf, leaning him against her and continued and hopefully pick up the speed. Kedamono started to groan again, his mask dropping to show a faint blue one with nothing on it. Olive did not want to see the mask that came after that one, so she tried to walk faster.


She pushed through, not hearing the wolf, the rain beating harder on her head. It hurt. She coughed slowing. Kedamono was basically being dragged, his legs barely moving in sync with hers. 

They had only crossed a few streets and made a few turns, when Kedamono completely stopped using his legs. His knees were dragging on the pavement. 

Olive did not want to stop. All she could think about was getting to that hospital. She tried to remember everything she had been through.

Enduring Popee's rash self. His attacks. His scoldings.

Enduring Kedamono's laziness. Perhaps even his addiction and chicken.

Enduring Paola's sternness and bias, watching as she beat up the others.

Enduring Papi's odd nature and too fatherly presence.

Enduring her own cowardliness and being such a anxious being.

She refused to let anyone down, especially the one that needed her the most. She had to use two hands to carry him any further. She saw the light of the hospital and trudged. She coughed, shaking her frail figure. She tried to enter, but her arm fell flat. She had lost the feelings of her legs and with Kedamono, fell in front of the entrance of the hospital.

The automatic doors swayed open, but nothing walked in.

The people inside noticed, confused.

That's when the desk clerk noticed two fuzzy figures out in the rain lying by the door. 

She picked up her mobile radio communicator, horrified.

"P-Pick up 102-7. Pick up."

"What is it, Kira?"

"Come by the entrance....There's people lying outside..and they're not moving."

"Really? Interesting. I'll send some people down and check it out."

Silent Affection: A Future Popee x [OC] ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now