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...Because Olive wasn't watching the man in that very moment, he cracked a smile. He leaned back unto her, heads kinda pressed against each other, and he kinda served as her pillow for the remainder of the film, but he didn't mind,really. She smelled like assorted fruits, humorous to the man if only she smelled of olives . But again, he could tolerate it.


It's now the dead of night.

The wolf's joints ache again. If he dare move just a millimeter, he would hear the rotten twist of the bone marrows turn against each other. And shit, did it hurt. He had the minimalistic urge to cry out, or specifically howl out in pain. But, yes he was in a public place, so unfortunately they couldn't take charge of him. It was so silent. Too silent. The faint smell of meat and fruit teased his nostrils. The hospital meals were decent, but he needed more.

The sound of organs and the heart beating were too much for him. 

The wind brushing in his fur from the open window and how it blew on top of his "exposed" face did nothing to help him.

Sleep would not simply come to him, and so, he lay awake and practically dead in the night. How did his acquaintance survive several nights of this? 

Where was everyone?

Would the haze being be left here?

What else more could he have done to qualify as sinful? Okay, sure he's wasn't the brightest there ever was, and sometimes, he had sacrificed another acquaintance for food, and sometimes, he knew not to one-up the one devil he somehow managed to befriend, but did it anyways, and-

You know what? Nevermind. That's not helping.

But in all honesty? He couldnt care less if Popee found him right now. He'd rather take what seemed like a two hour long lecture and scolding from him, than be stuck here, the brain forcing him to stay awake. To act as punishment? Perhaps, that's maybe why he was up at this time? To reflect on everything that's happened thus far?


Oh, Kedamono, you"poor, poor" thing.

• • •

Meanwhile, the doctor lay in bed at his home, eyes cracked open. He was reflecting on...things, I guess? The only difference between himself and his fur-covered assistant was that, yes, he did have the choice. The much more easier choice to ease himself and get a good night's rest. But he couldn't. It had never occurred to him that he, a usually cold person could get so accustomed to her. How less of a brutal mess he felt around her. Yeah, he put a firm and iron leash on those...other thoughts concerning her, don't worry.

It was strange. But there was something, just a tiny asset that prevented him from fully OPENING up and exposing her to his stormy and chaotic domain.

Who he was.

Or, at least, who he used to be.

Like he thought of before, he didnt want to see her push him away and walk off,leaving the man into shards. That would crush him completely. But how was he to blame her, if that were to happen? 

He was a performer, yet performed things of the unspeakable.

...He hoped her departure wasn't soon.

• • •

Eepop, unsettled lay awake in her bedroom. Her hands were on her chest, laying still. Despite that, here her brain lay up and running, just wondering what was going to happen. She left for a day, okay..

She silently prayed that they didn't get closer. Things did not need to become harder in this moment. The room felt as though it would burst into flames, despite both windows open and the cool breeze passing through every now and then. Noma snoring in the room adjacent to her, wasn't helping either. She sighed.

It kind of stabbed her heart at how the girl was the only one who hadn't moved on. Or, perhaps, they hadn't realized that everyone moved on? She hoped that that was the case. Just left there to roam pointlessly among the burdened sand, Eepop wished she could have done something. But then about the wolf, where was he in all of this? Still in the desert range, or...with her? If that were so, then she would be compelled to roam around and investigate. Maybe if he was in the hospital too, she could receive more advice from him. But she reeeeaaaally didn't want to face that nurse, what was her name? 

Oh right, Pavol.

Anyways, the auburn felt intimidated around that woman, especially with those pure black irises, possibly staring into her soul itself. Okay, maybe she was exaggerating a bit, but seriously, despite smiling her smile, it always felt like she knew what Eepop was really doing. Especially when she was came to be around Olive. Kind of like a overprotective big sister sense.

She sighed again. What was she to do? What choices did she have to make to avoid as much disapproving glares as she could in the end?

At most times, she's either good or bad, but right now, she felt like a side agent. Stuck in the middle about what she should do. Her shoulder still kinda felt rocky, still the rotten metaphor that she was being watched. It's only been two days since she reunited with the mime. She didnt want to imagine the heartbreak and anger on Olive's face, but it was better for later than now. 

•  •  •

And quite similar with Pavol, she experienced this need to stay awake as well as everybody else. Only, not that she was in bed or anything. In fact, she was in the hospital, working overnight. This time she resided in a more security-prioritized management sitting behind 3 ajoined monitors. She was determined from several hours ago to find that missing video footage from 5, technically now 6 days ago.

Why, out of all the recording available, would someone decide to delete this certain part?

She hoped that it wasn't who she thought it was.

Pavol took another sip of her now cold tea, and after a series of unsatisfying clicks and errors, she finally got access to what she'd been looking for. 

She watched, and it kind of made her sandy heart swell in gloom.

She could spot at the left of the screen Olive's hand on the floor, just below the hospital's entrance. It was raining during that time, and the thunder just made it more ominous. The sliding doors opened but nothing came in. Some passengers on the left on right wall seats leaned towards it, curious and concerned. The desk nurse filling in for Pavol called for assistance and soon people with stretchers came, transferring her to one of them. But there were two stretchers. They rolled back inside the hospital to find a suitable room for each of them. Olive was clearly unconscious, and another minutes after, a familiar haze wolf in started shorts came in after. Pavol couldn't believe her eyes, almost spilling her beverage.


If Kedamono came in with Olive at the same moment, then he's been here all this time!

Pavol promises herself that when morning came, she would go and find him.

She felt upset at her herself for not deciding to do earlier.

But hey, at least she had something to look forward to, in...

She looked the at the clock to her right.

Seven hours.

Silent Affection: A Future Popee x [OC] ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now